The Decemberist Revolt
Taking place on December 26th 1825, The Decembrist Revolt, which was also called the Decembrist Uprising, was when Russian Army officers led about 3,000 soldiers to protest against Nicholas I assumpition of the throne. Since the event took place in December the rebels were called the Decembrists. This took place in the Senate Square in St. Petersburg. -
Nicholas II is the Czar of Russia
Nicholas stared to rule on November 1st, 1894. When Nicholas became Czar he had very little experience in government. During his rule, he was nicknamed Nicholas the Bloody because of what happened later on Bloody Sunday. He has lead Russia through many wars and won during his rule also. -
Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War stared on February 8th, 1904 and ended on September 5th, 1905. The war started when the Japanese government perceived a Russian threat to its stategic intrests. When the negotiations were broken down in 1904, the Japanese Navy attacted the Russian Eastern Fleet at Port Arthur which was a naval base that was leased to Russia from China that is in Liaotung Province. -
Bloody Sunday
This even occured on January 22nd, 1905 in St. Petersburg, Russia. In this event unarmed demonstrators were led by Georgy Gapon and were marching toward the Winter Palace. They were going to present a petition to Czar Nicholas II. As they got closer they were all fired upon by soldiers on the Imperial Guard. -
World War I
The First World War began on July 28th, 1914 and lasted until November 11th 1918. In this war Russia fought against Germany and Austria-Hungary. In a result of this war over nine million combatants died and over seven million civilians died. WWI was one of the most deadliest conflicts in history. There were two main opposing alliances including the Allies and the Central Powes. -
The March Revolution
The March Revolution started on March 8th, 1917 to November 8th, 1917. During the March Revolution the Emperor was forced to abdicate the throne. Also in this time the Provisional Government was replaced with the Bolshevik Government. The imperial Government had also collapsed during this time. This Revolutoin was the start of the Civil War. -
Nicholas II Abdictates the Russian Throne
During this event on March 15, 1917 Czar Nicholas was forced to abdicate the Russian throne in result from the March Revolution. A year after he abdictated the throne him and the rest of his family were executed by Bolsheviks. This event caused the collape of the Romanov Dynasty. -
The Russian Civil War
The Russian Civil War began in November 1917 and ended in October 1922. The two main combatant groups were the Red Army and the White Army. The Red Atmy was fighting for the Bolshevik form of socialism and the White Army was fighting for monarchism, capitalism, and alternate forms of socialism. The Red Army ended up defeating the White Army as a result of this war. -
U.S.S.R. is Created
The U.S.S.R. or Soviet Union was created on December 30th, 1922 after the Russian Civil War. There was a treaty made to announce the creation of the Soviet Union. The capital of the Soviet Union was Moscow and the main language was Russia. Although, on December 26th, 1991 the Soviet Union was closed down and the flag was lowered. -
Vladimir Lenin's Death
Vladimir Lenin died on January 21st, 1924 in his home in Gorki. He died from a series of strokes 13 monthes after being called head of the Soviet Union government. Lenin had already had a lot of injuries such as a bullet in his neck that was removed in 1922. After he died it was hard to find another leader. There were two others that wanted the position. They were Stalin and Trotsky. Lenin wanted Stalin out and away, but Stalin ended up coming to power later.