The Decembrist Revolt
Where part of the upper class and usually had a millitary back round. Some might have partisipated in a war with the french. They thought that they might leave insperation for later russian dissidents. They might also be secret patriotic member. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
He wanted to abolish serfdom before the serfs decide to rise up and say no we don't want to do this any more. This way he could start to make a more self regulated societ. With this he could make a more free societ so that the press could say more and you could think more of what you though was right. He would how ever keep censorship. -
Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
He was not trained nor inclinded to rule as a czar. Which did not help the autocracy that he wanted to keep. He also married his wife in the same month that he became czar. He did not want to reform and sought to maintain czarist absolutism even though he did not have the strength and will to do so. -
The Social-Democratic Labor Party splits into two groups, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
The bolshevik party had the majority of the votes but menshevik party did have some so they could not go though with it. By the end of the meetings it was clear that they had slpit into two groups. During the meetings they had very violent arguments. They had these meetings in pubs and cafes. -
The Russo-Japanese War
Japan lanches a surprise attack on a russian naval base in china. During the war the japanese win a few major battles. The russian army had under estimated the japanese army and naval base port arthur was fell in one of the battles. After russia had been defeated by the japanese they relized that putting up more defences in eastern asia was hopeless. -
Bloody Sunday
In saint petersburg a gourp of workers lead by a priest marched down to the czars winter palace to make their demands to the czar. When they got to the winter palace they were fired upon by imperial forces hundereds were wounded and killed. The entier country started to riot because of the massacre that had happened. He told them that he would make form a serices of representative assembilies. -
The Revolution of 1905
The czar was going to try and change the russian goverment from a autocracy into a constitutional monarchy. Their were riots to terrorist assationations. These were coordinated by the union of liberation. He was going to make a assembly to advise the goverment but that did not stop the riots. -
World War I (Russian Involvement)
The russian army was under equipped and poorly lead and was driven back because of it. During the one battle they lost 30000 soldiers. In 1915 the german army was pushing back the russian army even further back into thier own boarders. Then russia attacked turkey and made some gains before being pushed back. -
The March Revolution
Most russian citizens had lost faith in the czar. Over 90000 men and women went to the streets to protest and riot. The protesters clashed with the police and they refused to leave the streets. A few days later the troops of petrograd army garrison where called in to calm every one down. -
Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government
He supported russias involvment in world war 1. He urrged the goverment to dissolve the monarcy. When he became leader he wanted every one to have basic rights like the freedom of speech and equall rights for women. By doing this he became one of the most widly know and popular revolutionary leaders. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
The army garrison at petrograd joined striking workeers. People went on strike demanding socialist reform witch forced him to abdicate. The familly first went to czarskoye selo palace. Then they were held at yekaterinburg palace near tobolsk. -
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace
The red guards moved in on the winter palace. Where several goverment officials lived. With in hours the goverment officcials either fled of were arrested. The power came from the group know as the bolsheviks. -
The Russian Civil War begins
In the russian cival war it was fought between the whites and the reds. The white army wanted to return things to the older way with the provisional goverment. The whites had over 250000 troops and were supported by lots of countrys. But in the end the reds defeated the whites. -
Nicholas II and his family are executed
The family thought that they were going to get thier picture taken. Instead many armed men came into the room and shot the familly to death and the familly members that were still alive were stabbed to death. The familly was burried in a forest. This all started after the imperial familly was sentenced to death. -
Vladimir Lenin dies and Josef Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
Vladimir lenin die by being shot 2 times. After his death almost 9 years later josef stalin becomes the leader of the soviet union. Before josef stalins 50th birthday he became the leader of the soivet union in 1929. Stalin ruled by terror and that is why he was the dictator of the sovet union.