509 BCE
Society: The Founding the Roman Republic
Patricians overthrew the king of Rome and instated a Republic -
Period: 494 BCE to 287 BCE
Society:The Struggle of the Orders
The Plebes and the Patricians struggle for power and rights. -
450 BCE
Society: The Twelve Tables are Written
The Twelve Tables are the written laws that govern, as well as offer protection to, the people. -
264 BCE
Warfare: Rome has conquered Italy
Rome has strengthened it's military and made more room for it's population in the conquest of the Italian Peninsula. -
Period: 264 BCE to 241 BCE
Warfare: The First Punic War
Period: 254 BCE to 184 BCE
Culture: Platus
Platus was considered to be Rome's greatest playwright. His plays were typically comedies, and in their endings the bad guys always suffered and the good guys won. -
Period: 218 BCE to 201 BCE
Wafare: The Second Punic War
216 BCE
Warfare: The Battle Of Cannae
Hannibal of Carthage lead an army of elephants against the Roman soldiers and fought the battle that would be Rome's most significant defeat for hundreds of years. -
Period: 185 BCE to 159 BCE
Culture: Terence
Terence was a more refined playwright, but also much less popular than Platus. That's probably why I don't have much else to say about him -
Period: 149 BCE to 146 BCE
Warfare: The Third Punic War
146 BCE
Warfare: Rome Rules The Mediterranean
By 146 BC Rome had taken control of the entire northern Mediterranean perimeter. -
133 BCE
Society: Tiberius Gracchus is elected Tribune
Tiberius Gracchus had many ideas about reforming the economy and redistributing farmland among the commoners to encourage more business to flourish. -
133 BCE
Warfare: Tiberius Gracchus Is Assassinated
Gracchus was killed because he had ideals that the aristocracy considered threatening. -
Period: 100 BCE to 44 BCE
Society: Julius Caesar's Life
Julius Caesar would become the dictator of Rome for ten years, and make many improvements during his rain. -
Period: 95 BCE to 55 BCE
Culture: Lucretius
Lucretius was an epicurean philosopher who believed that religion was a bad influence and a source of wickedness in the world. -
60 BCE
Society: The First Triumvirate
A council of three was chosen to rule over Rome in the absence of one strong leader. -
Period: 58 BCE to 50
Warfare: Galic Wars
Caesar led an army to great success during the Galic wars. -
44 BCE
Society: Julius Caesar is Assassinated
Julius Caesar is assassinated by the aristocracy because they feared he had become too powerful. -
31 BCE
Warfare: The Battle of Actium
Octavian became the first emperor of Rome, marking the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire.