The Roman Empire

By 18-167
  • 212

    Roman citizenship is granted to free subjects of the empire

    In AD 212, Roman citizenship was granted to any free person living in the Roman Empire.
  • 246

    Punic Wars Begin

    In 264 BC, the Punic Wars began. They were a series of three wars bewtween Rome and Carthage until 146 BC.
  • 272

    Rome Dominates Italy

    In 272 BC, Rome gains domination of Italy.
  • 313

    Christianity is Made Legal

    Previously, feeding Christians to lions and other beasts was a popular form of entertainment for the Romans. Emperor Constatine made Christiany legal in AD313 and churches were quickly built throughout the empire.
  • 410

    Visigoths capture and sack Rome

    AD 410: The Visigoths, led by Alaric*, capture and sack Rome.
    *Alaric was once friend of the Romans but turned when he was passed over from promotion.
  • 476

    Western Roman Empire falls

    AD 476: The Western Roman Empire falls. This is partly becuase:
    Barbarians were invading
    Economic troubles
    Rise of the Eastern Empire
    Overexpansion and Military overspending
    Government corruption and instability
    Weakening of the Roman Legions
  • Period: to


    NOTE: the events that say 19** are just the last 2 numbers.
  • Octavian assumes the title Augustus and end of the republic

    In 27 BC, Octavian was given the "divinely chosen" name of Caesar Augustus after he renounced his consulship. Him renouncing also brought an end to the republic, even though the still-functioning Senate gave the appearance that Rome was still a republic.
  • Jesus Christ is Crucified

    Jesus Christ was crucified between the years AD 30 and AD 33. He was arrested, trialed and sentenced by Pontious Pilate, who washed his hands of Jesus' blood before sentencing him. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah and Son of God.
  • Rome Invades Britain

    In AD 43, Rome invaded Britain to take over the island. Fighting was continous in some parts of Britain and in those parts the Romans never gained full control. One thing Casaer was impressed about was the Brits chariots.
  • Second Triumvirate is Formed

    In 43 BC, the Second Triumvirate is formed.
  • The First Triumvirate was formed

    The First Triumvirate was formed in 60 BC. It was a political alliance between Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompey, three of the most powerful men in Republic.
  • Rome Burns in the Great Fire

    In July AD 64, a fire broke out in the market place one night. The fire burned for seven nights and destroyed 70% of the city. There were rumours that the Emperor, Nero, lighted the fire. Nero found a scapegoat in the Christians, whom he despised and feed to lions.
  • Spartacus leads slave revolt

    In 73 - 71 BC Spartacus lead a slave revolt. He lead around 100,000 runaway slaves to battle in Gual (modern day France) and down towards Sicily.
  • Social War between Rome and its Italian allies

    The Social War was fought between Rome and its Italian allies in
    90 - 88 BC.
  • Goths Defeat Roman Army

    In August 378 AD, the Goths defeated the Roman army, which marked the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire.
  • Hannibal Invades Italy

    Spring 218 BC, Hannibal and his amry invides Italy via the Ticinus and Trebia Rivers.
  • Roman Army is Defeated and the Guals Sack Rome

    In 390 BC the Roman Army was defeated by the Guals in the Battle of Allia River. Survivors either fled to Veii (a more fortified city than Rome) or went back to Rome and took refuge in the CItadel (the stringest defensive position).
  • Romans form a treaty with other Latin tribes

    In 493 BC, the Roman Empire and the Latin League signed a treaty. This could be because the Latins wanted a strong ally or because the Latins admitted to Roman superiority on the battlefield.