753 BCE
Roman Empire founded
Period: 753 BCE to
Before and After the Roman Empire
509 BCE
Roman Republic founded
509 BCE
Roman People Expell King Tarquin The Proud
504 BCE
Roman defeat Sabines
338 BCE
Rome defeats Latins
290 BCE
Rome defeats Samnites
275 BCE
Rome defeats Greeks
264 BCE
Rome Defeats Etruscans
200 BCE
Rome defeats Germanic Tribes to the North
195 BCE
Rome defeats Spartans
188 BCE
Rome defeats the Seleucid Empire
164 BCE
Romes wins Punic Wars
148 BCE
Defeated the Macedonians
146 BCE
Rome defeats the Achaean League
133 BCE
Defeated the Celtiberians
106 BCE
War In Numidia
101 BCE
Gaius Marius defeats German tribes migrating into Roman Territory and Italy
88 BCE
Gaius Marius and Sulla defeat rebellious Italian cities during the Social War
86 BCE
Marius dies
82 BCE
Second Civil War Ends
78 BCE
Sulla dies
71 BCE
Crassus defeats Spartacus and Brings Down Slave Revolt
63 BCE
Pompey defeats Mithridates and the pirates
53 BCE
Crassus is killed
50 BCE
Rome wins Gallic Wars
49 BCE
Caesar invades Italy
48 BCE
Pompey is assassinated
45 BCE
Caesar defeats Pompey’s sons
44 BCE
Caesar is appointed Dictator
44 BCE
Caesar Assassinated
43 BCE
Mark Antony, Octavian, and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus form the second Triumvirate
42 BCE
Mark Antony defeats Brutus and Cassius
36 BCE
Octavian and Lepidus defeat Sextus Pompey
36 BCE
Octavian Retires
35 BCE
Octavian executes Sextus Pompey
31 BCE
Octavian defeats Mark Antony during the Battle Of Actium
27 BCE
Octavian returns to Rome
Death of Constantine
Roman Empire Falls
Byzantine Empire Begins
Feb 6, 1453
Byzantine Empire Falls
Feb 6, 1453
Ottoman Empire Takes Over
Ottoman Empire Falls