
The Roman Empire

  • Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Augustus Ceasar the first Roman Emporer restored peace to the Roman Empire. This time of peace is known as Pax Romana (Roman Peace). This lasted for 45 years while Augustus Ceaser ruled the empire. It wasn't peaceful the whole time though because The Roman Empire was still conquering land during this period of time
    Ruled 63 B.C.E- 41 C.E
  • Trading Improvement

    Trading Improvement
    Augustus Ceaser Biography As Augustus Ceaser conquered land he also improved trade. By doing so he improved the roads so they were safer to travel on he made the bridges safer too. Making trading safer they sold more goods making the empire wealthier improving the economy.
    Ruled 63B.C.E-41C.E
  • Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius
    Marcus Aurelius was the last of the five good emporer. Improved the empire economically. He spent most of his time fighting rebellions and fighting off invasions, Left his son Commudus to become emporer.
    Ruled Ruled 161 C.E. to 180 C.E.
  • Rome's Finding Money

    Rome's Finding Money
    When Commudus ran out of money he would order the wealthy citizens to be killed so he would inherit their wealth. He also let others help him run the empire. His sister knew the empire was falling apart cause of Commudus and planned his assassination but her plan failed but the second plan worked and he was assassinated.Ruled 180 C.E. – 192 C.E.
  • Romes Loosing Money

    Romes Loosing Money
    Commodus was the beginning of Rome's decline. He was more interested into entertainment such as chariot races and Gladiator battles than in the government and defending the empire. Spent the empires money holding these shows. When he held gladiator battles people would offer to buy the dead meat the were starving so bad and this would start fights. He would also through bread into the stadium and watched as the people fought over it.Ruled 180 C.E. – 192 C.E.
  • The Roman Empire Starts To Fall

    The Roman Empire Starts To Fall
    Rome begginning to end Commodus started a series of bad emporers for 50 years. With the poor emporers the empire is left broke and the with size of the empire they could not afford to pay the soldiers to protect the boreder and civil wars broke out.
  • Splitting Rome

    Splitting Rome
    Diocletian was determined to save Rome and knew that the empire was in trouble. So he divided the empire into the western and eastern parts. Diocletian took the eastern part becuase it was wealthier. Because it had more access to trade with other countries. The co emporer Maximian ruled the western side.
    Gave up power in 305 C.E
  • The sign from God

    The sign from God
    When Constantine was fighting with his soldiers in civil war he was filled with doubt that he wouldn't defeat the enemy. He was wishing for victory. When the sun broke through the clouds he saw a sign (a P with a X in it) and written above this sign was "under this sign he will conquer" and he marked his soldiers shield with this sign and he came out victorious. Thinking it was a sign from god became Christian.
    Gave up power in 305 C.E
  • Constantine: Changing Rome

    Constantine: Changing Rome
    In 313C.E Constantine was granted to become Christian. With the emporer switching his religion it spreaded Christianity throughtout the empire. In 330 C.E he moved the capitol of The Roman Empire to Constantinople. (later the Byzantine Empire)
    Ruled 306 C.E. – 337 C.E.
  • Invasion That Led To The Fall Of Rome

    Invasion That Led To The Fall Of Rome
    After Constantine died the Germanic tribe (called barbarians by Romans) attacked Rome. This left Rome struggling to defend their borders. Later in the 400's the could not fight of any invaders. In 410C.E the Visigoths attcked and looted Rome. Leaveing Rome struggling (Rome ready to fsll).
  • The end of Rome

    The end of Rome
    In 455 C.E Vandals left Rome powerless and unable to defend for itself. In 476 C.E Ostrogoths led the final attack on Rome. Rome had fallen after years of terrible leaders.