Roaring twenties

The Roaring 20's

By hmenzel
  • Prohibition Begins

    Prohibition Begins
    18th Amendment bans alcohol! However, drinking remains popular! Speakeasies allow patrons to continue getting drunk. Moonshiners and bootleggers furnish the booze.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Women get the right to vote!
  • Scopes Trial Decided

    Scopes Trial Decided
    Fundamentalism versus Modernity! Teacher sued for teaching evolution (and loses). Victory for small town, USA.
  • Lindbergh Returns

    Lindbergh Returns
    Hero Lindberg completes solo Transatlantic flight and returns triumphantly to the US.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Executed

    Sacco and Vanzetti Executed
    Anarchists accused and found guilty of murder.
  • "The Jazz Singer" Premieres

    "The Jazz Singer" Premieres
    First Talkie!
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash