The Roaring 20's

  • Prohibition

    The 18th amendment is ratified and that prohibits the useing, selling or transport of alcohol.
  • Period: to

    Teapot Dome Scandal

    Albert B. Fall (President Hardings Secretary of the Interior) secretly and illegally sold government oil from teapot (oil district in wyoming).
  • Women's suffrage

    Women's suffrage
    The 19th amendment is ratified that gives women the right to vote.
  • Immigration quota

    Immigration quota
    The US government establishes a quota that limits immigration into the country.
  • Sacco-Vanzetti Trial

    Sacco-Vanzetti Trial
    Sacco and Vanzetti (two immigrants from Italy) are convicted guilty for double holdup murder in a trial. They get executed.
  • Harding dies

    Harding dies
    President G. Harding dies because of a stroke.
  • Coolige takes Office

    Coolige takes Office
    President Coolige takes office after Hardings suprising death.
  • 60th Homerun

    60th Homerun
    Babe Ruth of the New York Yankees hits his 60th homerun.
  • Hoover

    Herbert Hoover gets elected as the new president of the US.
  • Crash

    The crash of the stockmarket in NYC -> stocks loose their worth and the great depression beginns