
The Roaring 20's

  • Flappers begin to emerge

    Flappers begin to emerge
    Flappers were women who challenged gender roles to the max. They had short hair, wore short dresses, and took on traditional activities men took on (smoking/drinking). They were highly controversial, especially for the older generation. They became the "new women" and inspired other women to challenge society. Here is a primary source of a letter from a flapper.
  • 18th amendment ratified

    18th amendment ratified
    This ratification stopped all manufacturing, sale, transportation, and consumption of alcohol. This led everyone to be dry, however people still found illegal ways to overcome this ratification such as speakeasies. Temperance advocates' goal was to reduce alcohol consumption and prevent violence. Here is a PDF with differing viewpoints in regards to prohibition. "Should Prohibition Be Repealed?"
  • 19th amendment ratified

    19th amendment ratified
    American citizens couldn't be denied their right to vote due to their sex. Therefore, women gain the right to vote and begin to take over their own life. We also see women begin to challenge gender roles (flappers). Women played a part in World War One which was part of the reason in which society and the President felt it was necessary to give women the right to vote.
  • Warner Brothers Pictures is incorporated

    Warner Brothers Pictures is incorporated
    Movies became popular in the 1920s because they allowed for an escape from the struggles of life. They were also important socially. Sound films because increasingly more successful and allowed for Warner Bros to become a major motion-picture studio.
  • Adkins V. Children's Hospital

    Adkins V. Children's Hospital
    This case was anti-labor and took away minimum-wage laws that were there to protect women workers. Here is a primary source document giving insight on controversy facing labor unions and whether or not the general community saw them as a threat.
  • The Immigration Act

    The Immigration Act
    Otherwise called the Johnson-Reed Act, this was a US federal law that limited the amount of immigrants that could come into the United States through a national origins quota. The goal or aim was to limit the Southern and Eastern Europeans and prohibiting the Asian Indians and East Asians.
  • Nellie Tayloe Ross

    Nellie Tayloe Ross
    Nellie Tayloe Ross was the first female American governor. She supported Prohibition during the 1920s. This is significant because women pushed so hard for equality to men. Therefore, her becoming the first female American governor was a huge accomplishment for women.
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer
    The Jazz Singer is an American musical drama. Directed by Alan Crosland, this film marked the end of the silent film era. The Jazz Singer became the first movie with synchronized dialogue.
  • St Valentine's Day Massacre

    St Valentine's Day Massacre
    This massacre was between gangs of Al Capone and Bugs Moran. Four men costumed as police officers go into Moran's headquarters and line seven of his men up. They end up shooting them to death. This was an eruption of Chicago's North Side gang violence.
  • Stock Market crash

    Stock Market crash
    After years of an economic boom, the market crashed and ultimately this dominoes into the Great Depression. Some factors included loans that could not be liquidated, rapid increase of debt, and low wages.