The Roaring 20's

  • Florence Allen becomes the first female state judge

  • Marie Luhrig becomes the first female state judge

  • warren G HArding is elected president

  • The Quota Act of 1921 is created

  • Teapot Dome Scandal

  • Rebecca Felton becomes first woman in US Senate

  • Harding visits Alaska on speaking tour

  • HArding dies of heart attack

  • Jean Toomers' Cane sets tone for Harlem Renaissance

  • Teapot Dome Scandal revealed to public

  • Nellie Tayloe Ross becomes first female governer

  • National Origins Act

  • Dawes Plan

  • Jazz inspired "Rhapsody in Blue" is premiered

  • Scopes Trial

  • Coolidge gives speech to express that the creation of wealth benefits the nation as a whole

  • Tennessee makes it illegal to teach Darwin's theory in schools

  • Henry Ford 1st industrialiost to give weekends off

  • Gov't introduces numbered highways

  • Gertrude Ederle first woman to swim English Channel

  • Model T drops to $290

  • 56% of American families own cars

  • Congress reduces spending from $18 billion to $3 billion

  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

  • 4 million Americans own stocks

  • America and the stock market have entered a "New Era"

  • Black Tuesday