Florence Allen becomes the first female state judge
Marie Luhrig becomes the first female state judge
warren G HArding is elected president
The Quota Act of 1921 is created
Teapot Dome Scandal
Rebecca Felton becomes first woman in US Senate
Harding visits Alaska on speaking tour
HArding dies of heart attack
Jean Toomers' Cane sets tone for Harlem Renaissance
Teapot Dome Scandal revealed to public
Nellie Tayloe Ross becomes first female governer
National Origins Act
Dawes Plan
Jazz inspired "Rhapsody in Blue" is premiered
Scopes Trial
Coolidge gives speech to express that the creation of wealth benefits the nation as a whole
Tennessee makes it illegal to teach Darwin's theory in schools
Henry Ford 1st industrialiost to give weekends off
Gov't introduces numbered highways
Gertrude Ederle first woman to swim English Channel
Model T drops to $290
56% of American families own cars
Congress reduces spending from $18 billion to $3 billion
Kellogg-Briand Pact
4 million Americans own stocks
America and the stock market have entered a "New Era"
Black Tuesday