Mandates in the Middle East
The French and the British sent armies and agents into the Middle East, to foment revolts in the Arabian Peninsula and to seize Iraq, Syria and Palestine. In 1916, French and British diplomats secretly reached the Sykes-Picot agreement, carving up the Middle East into spheres of influence for their respective countries.Under the mandate system, Syria and Lebanon went to the French. The British took over Palestine, three Ottoman provinces of Mesopotamia and created modern-day Iraq. -
Period: to
Weimar Republic
POst WW1 republic in gemrany, doom fort he start. Too many people vyug for contorl. Was created by the trety of Versialies. It was a government degiend byt eh French, they were subjected to hyperinflation and was dissolved after the rise of Hitler. -
Period: to
Revolution in Turkey
Atakurk was a Turkish revoltionary and founder of the Republic of Turkey. This was was fought for the inedpendce from western european rule. -
A New Activist- Rise of Hitler
After WW1, Hitler goes to Munich and joins the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) or the Nazi Party. Starts to develop the Nazi Party with propaganda and terrorism. Creates his own police forced SA (Strumabteilung) (Storm Troops, Brown Shirts). -
Profile of Hitler
Overconifdent, high sturng, directive,s charismatic, determined. Uses scap goats, does not bring Jews into this later. Blames the the Treaty of Verisalles but starts this when he has momentum. "def Fuhrer," becomes his title of the leader of the Nazi Power. -
Establishment of communism int he Soviet Union
Vladimir Lenin establishes communism. He uses "NEP" to control the people and uses Leninism which is the idea of a small elite ruling everyone else. -
Rise of Mussoini
Disaopintment of Italy's economy adn the lack of power given from the Treaty of Versialles, Mussolini (the power house) came into power. -
Division of the former Ottoman Empire
The former Ottoman Empire breaks apart after WW1, creating many new independent states. -
Creation of independent states in the Balkans
After ww1, many European countries took the land that was formerly the Ottoman Empire. -
Early Conflict- Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler crashed a party and is put in prison. He writes Mein Kampf (my struggle). -
Joseph Stalin Rises to Power
Lennin has a stroke and dies, Stalin hides Lennin's will and takes power despite the will saying otherwise. Stalin establishes totalitarian, not communism (which is an economic policy not a government). -
Dawes Plan
The United States attempted to reduce Germany's reparations and loadd money to Germny. -
Period: to
Joseph Stalin
Soviet revolutionary and dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). -
Mein Kampf
A book that Hitler wrote to win over the people. "My struggle," preaches naitonalism. Germans are the Aryan race, all others were inferior and he denoiced the Treaty of Versilles. He sople out ahisnt comunism and preached social Darwsin and preached for Lebensraum (living space). Seen as a radical, dismissed by most. -
Period: to
Five Year Plan
Rapid industrialization of resources including coal, wool ect.... -
Period: to
Collectivization of agriculture
Taking all the small individual farms and creating one large farm. Led to famine. -
Kellogg- Briand Pact
Renouces -
Period: to
Crash in the U.S
Over-production, consumerism, stock market crash, buying on speculation, buying or margin, protectionism (idea of shuting down or "sheling" one couttry's economy) -
Japan is expandning
The Japanese think they aret he best, so they atsr pushing to build an empire. Invasion of Manchuri (China) and chanllenge the League of Nations. This was a period f gobermnetal instablity wher the military adn extrmist gaied support for power. Japan turned offically onto China on 1937. -
Nazi Party Growing
Had around 800,000 people. Very pwoerful, this leads to HItler being names chancellor llegaly, even though the other leadsr were under pressure and out of fear. -
Hitler's attack on German culture
Outlaws poltiical parties, controll mass emdia and thought, outlaws speech and union.
Starts attacking the Jews by removing htem form ghe government. Uses a space goat thoery, by starting the concentraiton camps. -
Explotiaiton of Hitler Power- Enabling Act
Reichstag was burned suspiciously one month after the Hitler was named chancellor. HItler blames the commuist and uses this to expand his power and have a bigger governmetn. The Enabling Act created a totalitarian state. Extalbihses the SS, protectuion squad, terror and idelogy. -
Period: to
Second Five Year Plan
MORE Rapid industrialzation of goods. -
Night of the Long Knives
Hilter removes any competiion (like the Pergues of the Soveit Union). Creates a goverment cetnered around Germany, the Nazi party and Hitler. -
Period: to
Stalin purges anyone that would be able to compete without anyone including he generals, middle class, kulaks. He uses a gulak (camp system of working until death) to claim power and threaten anyone who would want to oppose him. -
Nuermenburg laws- Takes the power and wealth from the Jews.
Kristalleacnh- Attacks on the Jews. Night of broken glass. -
The League Fails
Weakness int he League of Nations beomcas apparent int he 30s. US is not a memebr, Japan quits (manchrui invasion), Germany and Hitler quit. Britian enocurages no aciton to be taked. -
Hitler wants Czechosolvaka, Muncih Concerene (in CHamberlain) says no. Appeasement- Gives in to avoid war. WIthin six months, Hitler takes Czecholosvakia. -
Austria votes on joining Germany, the Brown Shirts manipulates Germany. VOTES ON THIS, is not taken over b miltary force. -
Nonagression Pat
Peace treaty between the Germans and Soviets. This is the Germans and Soviets diving up Poland and the ares that are going to be inviaded. Starts WW2. -
Mussolini changes the how Italy functions. Made himself the Prime Minister, head of state
Italy DOES NOT become totalitarian because of the Catholic Church, monarchy and the armed forces.