Missouri Compromise
Missouri Compromise- info please
This was done when Missouri wanted to become a slave state, but there would be an issue wth who would be the free state that wuold also enter the union so the balence would not be disrupted. This state was Maine. Also, the remainding parts of the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36 degree/30 minute like, where slavery would not be allowed. -
"54-40 or Flight"
54-40 or fight ushistory
The Democrats nominated a man by the name of James K. Polk for President who was from Tennessee who issued the campign slogan "54-40 or fight" which ment that he would ask for the northern border of Oregon to have the latitude line of 54 degrees and 40 minutes or there would be a fight for it. -
Texas Annexation
texas Annexation- History.State
Texas was a part of Mexico and after Mexico said that the U.S. could come and reside there, the people wanted to be annexed to the United States. While we were in the plans of doing this, there was a dispute with what other state would come in the keep the free/slave state balence. -
Wilmot Proviso
This proposed idea stated that slavery was going to be outlawed from new territories that were a part of the Mexican Cession. -
Treaty if Guadalupe-Hidago
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildago - National Archives
This treaty between the United States and Mexicao settled the war over Texas with Santa Ann's army. This also established the border of Texas and Mexico along the Rio Grande River. -
Compromise of 1850
This compromise states 5 major things.
1. California would enter the union as a free state.
2. Slavery in Utah and New Mexico territories would be based off of popular sovereignty.
3. Texas border was settled and its debt was taken care of.
4. Outlaw all slave trade in Washington D.C. while slavery was legal; therefore, no buying or selling slaves.
5. Stricter fugitive slave laws. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin-Harriet Beecher
This novel was was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and was written to explain how slavery was in those times. This novel was a big time hit on the best-seller list and sole 10,000 copies in the U.S. in week one and around 300,000 in one year. In the entire world, her novel sold around 1.5 million copies. -
Gadsden Purchase
The reason for the Gadsden Purchase was to build a railroad to go across the country. This also completed the lower 48 states and the land was bought from Mexico. -
Republican Party Founded
Republican Party Founded- History.com
Ripon, Wisconisn, Former members of the old and faded Whig Party came together to make a new party to oppose the spread onto the westward territories. Their fist candidate was John C. Fremont. The south dominated the presidental election until FRD in 1933. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act-Fact Monster
The U.S. congress made the areas of Kansas and Nebraska. There was a conflict with the extention of slavery, which states would be slave or free states, and the location of the transcontiental railroad. -
Brooks- Sumner Incident
On the Senate floor, Rep. Preston Brooks(D-SC) became highly upset at Senator Charles Sumner(Free Soil- Mass) for bashing Brook's relative, which inturn, made Brooks highly upset. Then Brroks almost killed Sumner with his cane on the Senate floor. Brooks was kicked out of the House, but voted back in by the people of South Carolina and had more canes sent to him. -
Harper's Ferry Raid
Harper's Ferry Raid- civil war
On October 16th, 1859, John Brown led a group of abolitionists to Haper's Ferry. As they were on their way, they began to take hostage high ranking citizens and began seizing the weapons in the federal armory. This raid was not sucessful sue to the U.S. Marines who were under Colonel Robert E. Lee and stormed the area where Brown's men were. -
The Election of 1860
The Election of 1860- Fact Monster
The election of 1860 was between four parties; the whig party, democratic party, republican party, and the free-soil party. The republican running in this election was Abraham Lincoln, who won, Stephen A. Douglas, John C. Breckinridge, and John Bell. One key thing that this election did was it made South Carolina and 6 other states have a secession from the Union. -
Firing on Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter- us-civil war
At 4:30AM, 43 confederate weapons began shooting at the fort, which began the war. Return fire didn't happen for more than 2 hours because the fort was under stocked. Because they were low on supplies, the union started firing very slowly to conserve ammo. The union lost this battle. -
First Battle of Bull Run
First Battle of Bull Run- civil war
The civil wa, according to historiains, claim that it did not started until the battle of bull run whihc was only miles from the nation's capital of Washington D.C. The plan for the Union army was to bum-rush and wipe out the bulk of the confederates and open a hole and get to Richmond....the capital of the confederates, and end the war. The confederates won this battle. -
Monitor vs. Merrimac
Monitor vs. Merrimac
The Monitor andthe USS Merrimack, aka the CSS Virginia, were both warships for the union and confederate armies. They met in Norfolk, Va. The Monitor hit the Merrimac 20 times while they hit the Monitor 23 times. Both claimed the victory of the battle. -
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Antietam- Forbes
On September 17th, 1862, both armies met at Sharpsburg, Maryland ready for battle. One historian called it a "landscape turned red." Both sides lost a great amount of people. This source gives us a great reminder about the cost of war.."It offers a stark reminder of why today Americans should pause before they rush into the abbyss of war." -
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Gettsburg- civil war
The confederates and the union armies fought with the confederates having 30,000 troops and the yankees(union) having 20,000 troops at one point. Both sides lost a great amount of lives. The Union army took this battle on the civil war scoreboard. -
Sherman's March
Sherman's March- militaryhistory
Major General William T. Sherman led 62,000 men in the Union army to go capture Savannah, GA. The estamated date of the attack- November 15th, 1864. sherman also would cut any supply lines and would live straight off the land rather than have supplies constantly delivered to them. Sherman arrived in Savannah on December 10th and had the mayor surrendering to him on December 21st. -
Appomattox Court House
Appomattox Court House- Eyewitness
At Appomattox, VA., General Grant had the cofederate army of Gen. Lee surrounded. Lee had no other choice but to give in. His men where weak and ready to give in.