Proclamation of 1763
This proclomation was settled to protect the indians. It forbidded colonists to settle on the western side of the Appalachtion mountains. -
Sugar act
This was when the british placed taxes on important things like wine, and sugar. The british raised these taxes because they wanted more security. The colonists didn't think that they needed to pay more money on the essentias for there living. -
Currency Act of 1764
The British got rid of all paper money and all currencies should be regulated by the crown. The english didn't have enough money to print out there own money so they shouldn't worry about them for themselves. -
Quatering act of 1765
This act allowed the British to quarter, or give troops public housing in the colonies. Some of the colonists didn't even have enogh money for there own families and if they hav another it is just twice as much work and money. -
Stamp act Congress 1765
As a result of the Stamp act a war left Britian and had left less treasure and more debts. This made the colonists mad because they knew they would have to pitch in with making more money. -
Stamp act of 1765
This was an Argument that put tax on all paper and paper documents. " taxation and represntation", started because of this act. The english hated this because they didn't want to have to print out there own paper its just another thing thay needed to worry about. -
Declaratory Act of 1766
The British passed this act and this made it impossible for any Colonial assembly to pass any binding law. The colonists reacted to this by saying that they thought it would be alright buut were still angry becuase they weren't there to have a say on the decision -
Townshend act of 1767
Laws passed by the Parliment of Great Britian. Taxes on glass lead paper tea made to help government. The colonists reacted to this with the say of taxation without representation like most of the other acts.