The Road to Revolution

  • The stamp Act(1764)

    The stamp Act(1764)
    The stamp act is where colonists had to buy a stamp for every paper good they bought. This was Britain's way of paying for the war.
  • The Townshend Acts(1767)

    The Townshend Acts(1767)
    The Townshend Acts is an act that taxed tea, glass, paper, paint, and leads created by Charles Townshend.
  • The Boston Massacre(7170)

    The Boston Massacre(7170)
    The Boston Massacre was a fight between colonists and Britans troops.Britain's troops opened fire killing 5 colonists
  • The Boston tea party(1773)

    The Boston tea party(1773)
    The colonists wanted to protest the tea act so 50 of them dressed up as Mohawk Indians. All 50 colonists bored the British tea bout and throw 90,00 pounds overbord.
  • The Coercive Acts(1774)

    The Coercive Acts(1774)
    upset by the Boston tea party and other blatant acts of destruction of British property.
  • Lexington and Concord(1775)

    Lexington and Concord(1775)
    The colonists were hiding weapons and gunpowder in the concord and General Groge found out and organized a surprise attack.
  • British attacts on coastal towers

    British attacts on coastal towers
    British attacks on coastal towers before the brutal British naval bombardments and burning.