The Road to Revolution

  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was passed to regain money lost by the British while fighting in the French and Indian War. The British felt that the Americans needed to pay these taxes, because the war had been fought on American soil, with American resources. (image:
  • The Stamp Act Gets Repealed

    The Stamp Act Gets Repealed
    After months of protest from the American colonies, British Parliament finally agreed to take away the Stamp Act that had plagued the colonies. Benjamin Franklin was a huge factor in this repeal, as he became ambassador to England for this matter. This law being revoked gave Americans a sense of power, as they realized they could earn their liberty, and also that they deserved it. (image:
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    These were a series of laws passed that taxed every product imported to America to be sold. Everything the colonists could not make themselves, or buy from local sellers, came from Britain, and these acts made that very expensive. This made America angry, because Britain had a monopoly on things that they needed, like paper, paint, lead, and china. (image:
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    Tension between the American and British wasn't just at national level; it also was deposited down into the local layer of soldiers posted in America and civilians. This tension was displayed in the Boston Massacre. Americans in Boston, Massachusetts, began teasing and taunting British soldiers posted there. The soldiers became frustrated. Eventually, it led to them shooting into the crowd of colonists, and three people died. (image:
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Over 60 men dressed as Mohawk Indians onto boats in the Boston Harbor, on December 16th, 1773. They opened and destroyed over 300 chests of tea, which was property of the East India Trading Company, a British controlled and supported investment. (image: