The Road to Revolution

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Anyone who used or printed anything on paper had to buy a stamp. This is important because it made everyone pay a tax which caused people to be unhappy with the government because they have to use money to pay for something that wasn't necessary.
  • Townshends act

    Townshends act
    The Townshend acts were a series of measure passed by the British government. They taxed all imported goods to the Americas because they believed that the colonists should have to pay for the cost it takes for the production
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre started with a British loyalist firing at a a patriot causing fighting to start. This in turn united the colonies against Britain and helped spark their desire to have independence from Britain.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    Parliament didn't enact the Tea Act to punish the colonists, they did it to let the British East India Company the ability to import and sell tea with having to pay taxes. With everyone being mad that they didn't have to pay taxes it caused the colonists to sneak into the harbor at night before they could unload all of the tea and dump it overboard into the water.
  • The Coercive Act

    The Coercive Act
    British parliament was very angry at the colonists for dumping out all the Tea from the British East India Company. So their response was to pass the Coercive Act which meant the harbor would be shut down and nothing could go in or out until the company was paid back from all the tea that was dumped overboard.