B.C.E. Step three towards Political equality
The plebeians were finally allowed to become senators and consuls, according to a new law. This law said that at least one of the consuls had to plebeian and plebeians were allowed to become senators. -
B.C.E. Continuation of 451 B.C.E.
The Plebs next step was to demand laws to be written down so the patricians could not change them. The laws were then published on tablets called the twelve tables. -
B.C.E. The Plebians Gain their political equality
After the plebians revolt in 494 B.C.E. The patricians finally allowed the plebians to have elected officials called tribunes.
tribunes represented the plebs to the senate and to the consuls. Soon the tribunes were allowed to veto some actions made by senates and other government officials. The number of tribunes also went from two to ten.They also had there own law making body.The plebians still had less power but kept progressing towards political equality for the next two hundred years. -
May 13, 616
The Roman Empire
Rome was divided into two sections. The plebeians were commoners meaning they were farmers, shop keepers, craftsmen, also known as laborers. ninety five percent of rome were plebs.The other section were known as patricians. Patricians were wealthy aristorcrats whom had all of the power in rome and were all of the government positions. -
B.C.E The Patricians (wealthy aristocrats) take over rome
In 509 B.C.E Lucius Junius Brutus led agroup of arisrtocrats called paticians. These Patricians were to overthrow the Etruscan empire that were ruling rome at the time. -
B.C.E. The roman government
Rome was governed by the patricians.The romen empire consisted of three positions of government. There was the republic, the elected officials that governed for the people. Then there was the senate. Senates were a group of three hundred patricians elected by other patricians; they were advisers to the consuls, judges, and elected the republic. Finally there were two consuls. The consuls were the two leaders. These consuls were incharge of the army. Only patricians could be in government -
The plebians rebel
Plebians were known as laborers. Plebians were people with almost no voice in government and absolutley no power. The plebians were getting mad at the patricians, for they wanted bigger voices in government. The conflict between the patricians and the plebians was called the conflict of orders. In the 494 B.C.E the conflict took a dive as the population of rome went up. This is when the plebians went to a nearby hill and refused to leave until patricians made changes to the government. -
B.C.E. Plebeian and Patrician political equality
The last right gained by the plebs was the right to pass laws fo all citizens. Now romans had assemblies of associations such as the "Citizens' Association" and could pass or veto laws, nominate consuls and members of the senate. After two hundred year they won their fight for equality. The roman republican government inspired the future. Rome became specific type of government called a constitution. A constitution is a government ruled by a set of basic laws. -
Period: to May 12, 616
the rise of the roman empire
Period: to May 13, 616
The rise of the roman empire 616 B.C.E. - 287 B.C.E.
Period: to May 13, 616
The Rise of The Roman Empire