Masjid picture

The Rise of Islamic Civilization

  • 476

    Fall of Western Roman Empire

    Fall of Western Roman Empire
    The Western Roman Empire got replaced by Christianity.
  • 661

    Tenure of Khulafa - e - Rashidin

    Tenure of Khulafa - e - Rashidin
    The Khulafa - e - Rashidin expanded the Islamic rule.
  • 661

    Establishment of Ummayad Dynasty

    Establishment of Ummayad Dynasty
    After the Khulafa - e - Rashidin the Ummayad got control.
  • 750

    Establishment of Abbasid Dynasty

    Establishment of Abbasid Dynasty
    Abbasids moved their government to Iraq where they foud Baghdad which later became their capital and got famous.
  • 1171

    Fatimid Dynasty

    Fatimid Dynasty
    They were based in Egypt and their capital Cairo.
  • 1194

    Seljuq Dynasty

    Seljuq Dynasty
    They were of Turko - Persian and they were based in Turkey.
  • 1250

    Ayubid Dynasty

    Ayubid Dynasty
    This place was founded by Nuruddin Zengi and it was based in Syria.
  • 1258

    Destruction of Baghdad by Halagu Khan

    Destruction of Baghdad by Halagu Khan
    Abbasid dynasty ended by the mongol Halagu Khan and his army.
  • 1453

    Fall of Byzantine Empire

    Fall of Byzantine Empire
    Byzantine Empire got defeated by Ottoman Empire, by Mehmet II.
  • 1500

    Dark Ages.

    Dark Ages.
    This time was called Dark Ages because there was no civilized life at that time.
  • 1511

    Mamluk Dynasty

    Mamluk Dynasty
    Mamluk means slave in Arabic.