63 BCE
Roman Rule of Israel
The Romans appointed a "king" of sorts to rule over Judea, Herod, he was a respected leader who built a temple for the people and ruled for over 40 years. He paid tribute to the Roman's but tried to help the people of Israel protect their political independence, religious freedom, and liberty. -
1 CE
Jesus of Nazareth
He was a Jewish preacher and a religious leader many of whom split off later to form the Christians. These people, Christians, believed that he was the awaited Messiah prophesied in the old testament. Christians believed that he interpreted the laws that Moses had written, and that he traveled around the country teaching people. -
The Great Fire of Rome
History doesn't know exactly who started this fire, but history has found 2 possibilities, the Emporer Nero, or the Christians. This fire raged for around 9 days leveling many parts of Rome but leaving the section of the city where the Christians lived intact. The fire raged for so long because in the streets thurgs roamed the streets suposedly paid by Nero to prevent people from putting out the fire. -
Paul of Tarsus
He was a missionary of Christianity who spread the word and works of Christ to other peoples. He also wrote a large part of the New Testament. He was later arrested for preaching about Christ. -
The Death of Perpetua
Young women and mother who was imprisioned for being christian and because she wouldn't renounce her faith was killed publicly.She became a symbol, showing how cruel the goverment could be to certian peoples. -
The Great Persecution
Diocletian was the one who issued a series of laws that started the Great Persecution of Rome, These laws included kicking all Christians out of public offices, destroying their churches and literature, and punishing all those who refused to sacrifice to Roman gods. -
Constantine the Great
Considered himself the Emporer of Christian people, he was baptized into the Christian church shortly before his death. He created peace for Christians and stopped the Roman persecution of Christians by creating the Edict of Milan. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
Emporer Constantine is fighting a war, one night he receives a vision with a cross in it, the vision tells him to put an X and P on the sheilds of all of his men because Jesus Christs' initials were X and P. He won the battle and dedicated it to the Chistains. -
Edict of Milan
Created by Emporer Constantine after the battle of Milvian bridge, this edict allowed all of Rome religious freedom. All Christians no longer had to lie low and hide their existence from others in fear, soon almost all of Rome became predoninatly Christian. -
Emperor Theodosius
Emporer who was born and raised Christian. He made Christianity the official state religion of Rome. Was a military leader and in his campaigns he spread christianity.