The Rise and Fall of the Ming and Qing Dynasty

  • Nov 9, 1368

    The Start of the MIng Dynasty

    The Start of the MIng Dynasty
    In the year of 1368, the last of the Mongol rulers was exiled from China. The Ming Dynasty rose to power, and the dynasty restored the old Chinese customs.
  • Nov 9, 1368

    Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang

    Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang
    Before Zhu Yuanhang became the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he was a peasant who lost his family during the Bubonic Plague. He lived his life begging, and he lived in a monastry. When he was older, Zhu Yuanzhang joined a rebel clan. His leadership in the clan proved that he was able to take charge of the clan. In the year of 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang was crowned emperor of the Ming Dynasty.
  • Period: Nov 9, 1368 to

    Ming and Qing Dynaty

  • Nov 6, 1405

    The Start of the Zheng He Voyages

    The Start of the Zheng He Voyages
    In the year of 1405, Zheng He, who was a enunch and a Chinese navigator, had constructed a grand fleet. His massive fleets travelled from the Indian Ocean to East Africa.
  • Nov 6, 1433

    The end of the Zheng He Voyages

    The end of the Zheng He Voyages
    In the year of 1433, it was the end of the Zheng He voyages. The reason for the end of the voyages was because the emperor who supported the expeditions died, which led to the decrease in money for the voyages.
  • Nurhaci

    The leader of the Manchu people was Nurhaci, who had the capabililty to combine eight banner armies. He brought them under his rule. Nurhaci led the conquering of the Ming Dynasty.
  • The Rise of the Qing Dynasty

    The Rise of the Qing Dynasty
    The reason that fall of the Ming Dynasty occurred was because the Ming government needed the help of the Manchu to stop a rebellion. But once the Manchu warriors were let inside the Great Wall, the Manchu warriors took control of China. The Manchu warriors established the Qing dynasty.
  • The End of the Ming Dynasty

    The End of the Ming Dynasty
    Like all the other dynasties, the Ming Dynasty came to and end. The Ming Dynasty was replaced by the new,powerful Qing Dynasty.
  • Kangxi and Qianlong

    Kangxi and Qianlong
    Both Kangxi and Qianlong, who were both emperors, supported the arts. Both the emperors also helped in the expansion of the Qing Dynasty. Knagxi conquered Twaian, Mongolia, central Asia, and Tibet. Qianlong conquered Vietnam, Burma, and Nepal.
  • The Flaws in the Chinese Bureaucracy

    The Flaws in the Chinese Bureaucracy
    Around the 18th century, like all the other dynasties, the Qing dynasty began to decline. One of the causes of the decline was that the Chinese bureaurcracy was being influenced by cheating and favorism. Students began to bribe to the exam officials and this led to dishonesty in the Chinese bureaurcracy.
  • Banning Christianity

    The Qing Dynasty was starting to not tolerate the influnce of the Christian missionaries. The Qing felt that their culture was being threatened. In the year of 1724, the Qing Dynasty banned the practice of Christianity.
  • Canton

    Since the Qing emperors did not approve the trade of opium in China, merchants were forced to trade the opium secretly. The trade of Opium was only allowed in the city of Canton.
  • Opium

    Around the mid-19th century, Britian was gaining more control of China. But Britian was not statisfied that all they traded with China was silver. So Britian began to trade with China, opium, and China began to demand the increase of opium.
  • Lin Zexu

     Lin Zexu
    Around the 1830s, the Chinese government dilsliked the trading of opium in China. An official named, Lin Zexu, made orders to stop the trade of opium. He blocked Europeans from Canton. He took away the opium and destroyed it. This angered the British.
  • The Opium War

    The Opium War
    After Lin Zexu stopped the Bristish mercants from trading opium with China, led to war between the Qing and Britian. The first Opium war began in 1839, and the Qing dynasty lost in the war.
  • The Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion
    Between the years of 1850s and 1860s, the Taiping Rebellion took place. The rebellion was led by Hong Xiuquan, who was a talented military leader. The Qing dynasty rebelled against the European powers.
  • The Second Opium War

    The Second Opium War
    Because the Qing Dynasty was losing control of its empire due to European power, the dynasty launched a second war. But the Qing dynasty lost again. They did not have a strong army to be able to withstand the British.
  • Control

    Around the 1890s, the Qing Dynasty was in the center of trade with European traders. Britian, France, Germany, and Russia dominated China.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    In the 20th century, the Boxer Rebellion began. The purpose of the rebellion was to exile both Japan and the European nations from China. The failure of the Boxer Rebellion led to the Europeans to be in more control of China.
  • Civil Service Exam

    Civil Service Exam
    Because of the decline of the Qing Dynasty, the civil service exams were removed.
  • The End of the Qing Dynasty

    The End of the Qing Dynasty
    By the year of 1911, the Qing dynasty finally came to an end. The dynasty had suffered from the loss of the battles in the Opium wars. The government was corrupted, and the Qing dynasty was the last dynasty to be established.