The First Fleet Arrives
The First Fleet Arrives
and builds a settlement at Port Jackson in Sydney, NSW. -
FIrst Female Doctor
First Female Registered Australian Doctor- Constance Stone -
The CommonWealth is Formed
Women Granted Right to Vote
Residence Naturalised
All Residence naturalised Commonwealth Naturalisainion Act. -
First Female Parliamentary Candidates
First Female Parliamentary Candidates- Vida Goldstein -
New Settlers arrive
390,000 New Settlers Arrive -
Maternity Allowence Act
WW1 (Start)
World War 1 around 65,000 Men Died. -
First Female Police Officers
WW1 (End)
World War 1 around 65,000 Men Died. -
Minimm Wage for Women
Minimum wage for Women workset at 54% of the Male Rate. -
First Women Elected to Australian Parliament
First Women Electesd to Ausralian Parliament- Edith Cowan -
Founding of CWA
Founding of the Country Women's Association (CWA) -
Windows pensions were introduced
First Women elected to Federal Parliament
First Women Elected to Federalk Parliament- Enid Lyons and Dorothy Tangey -
CommonWealth Citizenship and Nationality Act
CommonWealth Citizenship and Nationality Act gives the category of 'Australian Citizenship' to all Australians, Including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, for the first time. However, at a state goverment level Aboriginal and Torres Strait people still suffer legal Discrimination. -
Aboriginal allowed to voted
All Aboriginal Women (And Men) were FINALLY able to vote -
90% of Australian Vote 'Yes' in Referendum read on for more!
More than 90% of Australian Vote 'Yes' in a Referendum to give the Australian Goverment the power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. -
Australian Author wrote Bestselling book
An Auistralian Author, Germaine Greer, wrote a best selling book that helped define women's rights around the world, Book title Female Eunch, Feminist movement, women to reject their traditional roles. -
Captain Cook enters Botnay Bay
Captain Cook enters Botnay Bay on the Endeavour. The British Goverment does not recognise the rights of Aborginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their special connection with the land. Instead, they claim the land for British Crown and declare that Australian is terra nullius - land belonging to nobody. -
The Australian Parliament passes Racial Driscrimination
The Australian Parliament passes Racial Driscrimination Act to help ensure that Australians of all backgrounds are treated equally and recive the same opourtunities. -
First women to head a Goverment Department
First women to head a Goverment Department - Pat O'Shane -
Uluru is handed back to owners
Uluru is handed back to its tradtional owners. -
First Aboriginal Women to win Gold Medal
First Aboriginal Women to win gold medal at the Common Wealth Games - Cathy Freeman -
Aboriginal Reconciliation first meeting
The Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation holds its first meeting in Canberra -
High Court hands down the Mabo decision
The High Court hands down the Mabo decision, recognising the special realtionship that Aboringal and Torres Strait Islander people have with the land. The Court rules that Australia was never terra nullius. -
Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act
Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act
-Promote employment of women
-Eliminate Discrimination against
-encourage consultation between employers an employees -
First Female Deputy Prime Minister
First Female Deputy Prime Minister- Julia Gillard -
Kevin Rudd apoligises
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd formally apoligises to the Stolen Generations on behalf of the Australian Parliment -
First Female Governor General of Australia
First Female Governor Genral of Australia- Quentin Bryce