The Revolutions

  • The Thirty Year War

    The Thirty Year War
    The thirty years war was a religious and political conflict that occured in central europe. It was one of the most gruesome battles in history, it lasted from 1618 to 1748 and caused about 8 million deaths. The Thirty year war was caused by a religious disagreement between the catholics and the protestants in germany. Although the war started as a religious battle it soon turned into a war for power over europe. The thirty year was very important in the future of law making and boundaries.
  • The English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights was an act of 13 articles that gave the people of england specific freedoms. In 1689 King William the third and Queen Mary the second created a bill that gave the parliament power over the monarchy in order to restore balance over england.
  • The War of Austrian Succession

    The War of Austrian Succession
    The War of Austrian Succession lasted 8 years from 1740 to 1748 consisting of many wars; The wars were caused due to the death of Charles VI and for control of Silesia. The first war was started by france with the sole purpose of destroying Austria, its long standing continental enemy. The second war was the first of two Silesian Wars; In these wars France and Prussia allied to defeat Austria and take Silesia. These wars were important because they lead to The Treaty of Aix-la-chapelle in 1748.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was the first internal tax forced onto american colonists by the British parliament. It lasted from 1765 to 1766, it was repealed quickly after it was passed in 1765 due to it being unconstitutional and illegal.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1783, it was caused by the tensions between great britain and the north american 13 colonies. This war was a battle for independence and freedom. The war was won by the colonists and they won their ultimate freedom from britain.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the written agreement between britain and the american colonists to end the American Revolution and recognize their freedom from King George the third. The treaty was written by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John lay; they wrote the treaty in order to gain freedom from Britain and be recognized as a independent colony.
  • The storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a royal prison run by tyranny. In 1789 the Parisian revolutionaries stormed and overtook the Bastille forcing Launay to surrender. This act led to the beginning of the French Revolution and the overthrowing of King Louis XVI and the execution of Marie Antoinette.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a protest to force King Louis XVI to adopt the French Constitution. A large group of commoners swarmed the Jeu De Paume tennis court and demanded that the king accept the french constitution. This protest led to the french constitution and a new anarchy in the government.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799, it was an uprising of the french citizens to reform and change their government for the better. The French Revolution was caused by King Louis XVI's neglect and disregard for the country success. He forced the country into the brink of bankruptcy and famine. The Revolution led to the royal crown being overthrown and the Third Estate becoming the new representative for the people of France.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror was apart of the French Revolutionary time period, when the government proclaimed that there would be a mass execution of anyone suspected of being an enemy or traitor. It was caused by the Jacobins overtaking the Girondins, which caused a civil war leading to the Reign of Terror and the death of about 27,000 people.