Stamp Act
Taxed paper to pay off debt of the country due to the French War
“They felt that they’d spent a lot of blood and treasure to protect the colonists from the Indians, and so they should pay their share.”
People resented on buying products and paying taxes to the British.
The colonists greeted the arrival of the stamps with violence and economic retaliation which led to the revolution. -
The Townshend Act
Tried to stop people from smuggling and corruption in colonies. Americans started to harass British custom commissioners. British sent troops to watch over Boston. They placed new taxes and took away some freedoms from the colonists and this lead to the Revolutionary War -
Boston Massacre
The British and Boston colonies didn’t agree on rules of taxation. Americans started taunting British which lead to a riot (Britsh started building on fire) African-American sailor named Crispus Attucks was killed and two others were mortally wounded. British troops in the Massachusetts Bay Colony were there to stop demonstrations against the Townshend Acts and keep order, but instead they provoked outrage and this lead to the revolution. -
Boston Tea Party
Americas protested against the government of Britain. The people did their protest by dumping cargos of tea from the British’s ship into the harbor. Rest of tea needed to be used fast before it went bad (too much was produced) the colonists rebel with violence against their own government and this lead tot he Rev. -
The Coercive Act
British Gov. had to tame the rebellious colonists (Massachutsetts) after the tea party Parliament passed this law which closed the harbor in results of the contamination of the tea. British were in most control now. The British instated the acts to make an example of the colonies after the Boston Tea Party, and the outrage they caused became the major push that led to the outbreak American Revolution -
British Attack
“The southerners were totally dependent upon the English to buy their crops, and they didn’t trust the Yankees,” “And in New England, the Puritans thought the southerners were lazy.” -Concord Randell. British began starting buildings on fire in American colonists towns. British were offering freedom to African Americans that would join their military for attack. “Norfolk stirred up fears of a slave insurrection in the South,”-Randall. British soldiers opened fire on a mob of colonists. -
British soldiers from Boston were forced to Lexington to capture colonial radical leaders Sam Adams and John Hancock to seize their gunpowder. American spies detected the British doing so and helped Adams and Hancock. Seven Americans died, but other militiamen managed to stop the British at Concord. They continued to harass them on their retreat back to Boston. British that the colonists were fearsome foes who had to be taken seriously. Beginning of America’s War of Independence.