The Revolutionary War

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    Revolutionary War

  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride
    Paul Revere rides his horse into Lexington, Massachusetts to warn the soldiers that the British are coming.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    This was the first battle of the American Revolution and the Massachusetts soldiers defended the British.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill consisted of American patriots that defeated the superior British Army. The fierce fight confirmed that any reconciliation between England and her American colonies was no longer possible.
  • Creating the Declaration of Independence

    Creating the Declaration of Independence
    13 colonies cut political ties with the British. This confirmed their independence.
  • Thomas Paine's writing of "The American Crisis

    Thomas Paine's writing of "The American Crisis
    Paine's writings bashed the morals of American colonists and appealed to Great Britains side of the war.
  • Crossing of the Delaware River

    Crossing of the Delaware River
    George Washington and his men rowed across the Delaware River as a surprise attack.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    After crossing the Delaware River in a bad storm, George Washington's army defeated Hessian mercenaries at Trenton.
  • The Battle of Philadelphia

    The Battle of Philadelphia
    British and Revolutionary forces campaigned and the British took rule of Philadelphia
  • Battles of Saratoga

    Battles of Saratoga
    This battle was a crucial point in continuing the Americans to fight for their independence. The battle took place on two separate oacassions.
  • The Winter at Valley Forge

    The Winter at Valley Forge
    The winter of 1777-78 was difficult for the soldiers with regular freezing and thawing, plus snowfall and rain, also a scarce quantity of food, clothing, and shoes, made living conditions extremely difficult.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Washington's forces defeated Lord Charles Cornwallis' veteran in Yorktown, Virginia. Victory at Yorktown led directly to the peace negotiations that ended the war in 1783 and gave America its independence.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty ended the American Revolution war and was signed by U.S. and British representatives.