The Revenue Acts

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    The Revenue Acts

  • The Sugar Act

    This act put 3 cent tax for each pound of sugar bought. the colonists didn't like this act because it restricted their justice. The British liked it because it gve them the money and control they wanted.
  • The Currancy Act

    This act prevented the colonies from printing their own money. The government liked this act because they had control of the moeny in the colonies. Though the colonies didn't like it because they wanted their paper money.
  • The Stamp Act

    This act taxed anything paper and even dice. The act was put into place to raise money for the millitary. Though the colonisits weren't having it so they harrassed tax collectors, created mobs, debated, wrote letters, etc. Just a year later Ben Franklin repealled the act.
  • The Townshend Act

    This act was a way to collect money on items that the colonists relied on like glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. Though the colonists revolted by only purchasing smuggled goods. Though this didn't stop the British from still taxing the colonists.
  • The Tea Act

    This act wasn't like the others it was made to bring back the East India Company. Though the colonists were done with what Britian had done to them and they refuesd to unload the many pounds of tea. This tea was eventually left, but later dumped into the Boston Harbor. Otherwise known as the Boston Tea Party which put the government in debt.