Jan 1, 1450
Gutenberg Invents Printing Press
Gutenberg did not invent the printing press. He only invented a moveable one -
Jan 28, 1457
Henry VII Becomes KIng Of England
He seized the crown and the House Of Tudor. Ruled the principality of wales unit and was Lord of Ireland. -
Jan 1, 1469
Lorenzo De Medici Becomes The Head Of Florence
Was one of the most powerful patrons of the Renaissance. -
Jan 1, 1492
Columbus DIscovers America
Was an Italian explorer, Navigator, colonizer. -
Jan 1, 1495
DaVinci Paints The Last Supper
The last supper is a late 15 century mural painting. It is one the worlds most famous paintings. -
Jan 1, 1501
Michelangelo starts The David
The David was a masterpiece in the renaissance -
Jan 1, 1508
Michelangelo starts the Sistine Chapel
Work of high Renaissance art -
Apr 21, 1509
Henry VIII becomes King of England
Henry VIII king of England was famously married six times and played a critical role in the English Reformation turning his country into a Protestant nation -
Jan 1, 1517
Martin Luther posts 95 Theses
His 95 Theses which included two central beliefs the Bible is the central religious authority and that humans may reach salvation only by their faith and not by their deeds. -
Shakespeare builds The Globe Theater
the globe theatre was a theatre in London associated with William Shakespeare