The Renaissance

  • Period: 1265 to 1321


    An Italian philosopher and writer. Best know for The Divine Comedy.
  • Period: 1346 to 1353

    Black Death

    Passed along on rat fleas and infected following trade routes.75-100 million people died which is about 50-60% of the population.
  • Period: 1386 to 1466


    Italian sculptor. Invented the shallow relief technique
  • Period: 1390 to 1441

    Jan Van Eyck

    A Flemish painter. Early innovator of Netherlandish painting.
  • Period: 1400 to 1464

    Roger van der Weyden

    Early Netherlandish painter. mainly religious paintings.
  • Period: 1469 to 1527


    Italian philosopher and political writer. Best know for The Prince.
  • Period: 1483 to 1546

    Martin Luther

    Catholic monk and was excommunicated from the church. Had issues with faith but later started Lutheranism. .
  • Period: 1490 to 1547

    Henry VIII

    Wanted a male heir but pope would not allow him to divorce. Head of the church of England.
  • Period: 1509 to 1564

    John Calvin

    Converts to Protestantism at age 25. A French theologian