The Renaissance

  • 1477

    The first printed book in England

    by William Caxton
  • 1485

    End of "The Wars of the Roses"

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    discovered the American Continent
  • 1493


    published his view on humanism stressing the importance and mankind in daily life and relationships with god.
  • 1517

    King Henry VIII

    became head of the Church and State
  • 1517


    originated by Martin Luther.
  • 1533

    Henry VIII divorce Catherine

    of Aragon, the same year he married his second wife Anne Boleyn and has his second daughter, Elizabeth I
  • 1534

    The Reformation

    England became Anglican.
  • 1539

    Dissolution of Monasteries

    all the catholic Monasteries were destroyed by
  • 1540

    Growth in production of Pamphlets

    Often with political themes.
  • 1541

    A new Protestant church

    was founded by Jean Calvin
  • 1543

    Copernicus-solar system

  • 1547

    Death of King Henry VIII

    he was succeeded by his only son, King Edward VI, who was still a child , and in poor health.
  • 1553

    King Edward died

    at the age of 16.
  • 1553

    Henry's eldest daughter

    became Queen. Queen Mary I
  • 1556

    The Catholic Queen Mary I

    ("Bloody Mary") supported Spain in its war with France. Which Aimed to spread Catholicisms.
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I

    Became Queen, England now opposed Spain.
  • 1568

    Mary, Queen of Scots,

    was forced to abdicate the throne of Scotland,
  • 1576

    First Public Theatre

  • Mary, Queen of Scots

    was executed
  • Shakespeare's great tragedies

  • The Authorized version of the Bible

    was published in English
  • The first weekly newspaper