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The Renaissance

  • 1202

    Transmission of Greek Text during 4th Crusade

    Transmission of Greek Text during 4th Crusade
    Opens the door to leaning and discovery
  • 1449

    Birth of Lorenzo De' Mdici

    Birth of Lorenzo De' Mdici
  • 1455

    Gutenberg Prints The First Bible

    Gutenberg Prints The First Bible
  • 1473

    Nicolas copernicus Publishes on the revolutions of the cestial spheres

    Nicolas copernicus Publishes on the revolutions of the cestial spheres
  • 1503

    Leonrdo Da Vinci Paints Mona Lisa

    Leonrdo Da Vinci Paints Mona Lisa
  • 1516

    Thomas More writes Utopia

    Thomas More writes Utopia
  • 1517

    Martin Luther Posts Theses on the door of Castle Chruch

    Martin Luther Posts Theses on the door of Castle Chruch
  • 1532

    King Henry Protestant Anglican Chruch

    King Henry Protestant Anglican Chruch
  • 1564

    William Shakespear is born

    William Shakespear is born
  • Galileo Invented Thermometer

    Galileo Invented Thermometer
  • Michelangelo Sculps The David

    Michelangelo Sculps The David