Renaissance vaticanprocession1

The Renaissance

  • 1435 BCE

    The Kingdom of Naples

    The Kingdom of Naples
    The Kingdom of Naples was ruled by the French until 1435 when the Spanish seized control ( Editors). The French invaded Italy in 1495 and regained the control, but nine years after, the Spanish got a hold of Naples again ( Editors).
  • 1140

    Christian states

    Christian states
    The Muslim Caliphate had declined and the Christian states of the Iberian Peninsula had emerged by the end of the tenth century ( Editors). During the eleventh century these sates grew in importance ( Editors). The Christians drove out many of the of the Moors who had occupied the southern areas of Spain ( Editors).
  • 1146

    The Almohades

    The Almohades
    In 1146 the Almohades, a new Muslim power renewed the fighting ( Editors). Enemies resulting in the fighting of Christian against Christian and Moor against Moor ( Editors). By the thirteenth century the Almohades seemed to be winning ( Editors). A Crusade was sent out by Pope Innocent III, resulting in the defeat of the Almoahdes in 1212 at Las Navas de Tolosa ( Editors).
  • 1259

    The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was established between Louis IX of France and Henry III of England ( Editors). By this treaty a large portion of French territory remained under the control of England. France was dissatisfied with this agreement ( Editors). This disagreement lead Philip VI to attempt a take-over of Aquitaine ( Editors). This actions caused a war between the two countries ( Editors).
  • 1346

    The Battle of Crecy

    The Battle of Crecy
    This battle resulted in the overwhelming defeat of the French forces ( Editors). Both sides of the battle had a of medieval knights (Cartwright, Mark). Then England gained control of the narrowest part of the English Channel ( Editors). While England was attacking the French, England were invaded by the Scots ( Editors). The Black Death weakened the French, also the Black Death killed a large portion of the population ( Editors).
  • 1380

    General Du Guesclin and Charles V death

    General Du Guesclin and Charles V death
    General Du Guesclin and Charles V both died at this time ( Editors). Charles VI also called, Charles the Mad, wasn't old enough to rule ( Editors). His uncles were selfishly and couldn't unite the fraction of France ( Editors). By 1394, a trice was signed in England ( Editors).
  • 1458

    France Writers

    France Writers
    Some French writers include Francois Villon ( Editors). Pierre de Ronsard, was the chief poet of the French Renaissance ( Editors). Joacin de Bellay, and Francois Rabelais ( Editors). Rabelais was both a Franciscan and Benedictine monk ( Editors). He wrote satires on Medieval institution and beliefs ( Editors).
  • 1498


    A Florentine Dominican friar names Savonarola denounced the elements of paganism exhibited in Florence ( Editors). A precursor of the Reformation, Savonarola established himself as an authority ( Editors). Savonarola attacked the pope verbally, was tried for heresy, and was hanged ( Editors).
  • 1558

    English Writers

    English Writers
    Although the Rennaissance was coming late to England, it porspered during the Elizabethan Age, named for the reign of Queen Elizabeth I ( Editors). Sir Phillip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, and Michael Drayton were amazing Elizabethan poets ( Editors).
  • 1573

    Inigo Jones

    Inigo Jones
    Inigo Jones designed English building as the Queen's House at Greenwich, London ( Editors). These styles developed into a baroque, or exaggerated elaborate style, by the seventeenth century ( Editors).