Ran squirrel helicopter at melb gp 08

The Renaissance

  • 400

    in 400B.C a disciple puts a inclined plane on a cylinder

  • Jan 1, 1480

    The first flying machine model is made

    Leonardo Da Vinci creates the first model of the aerial screw. The aerial screw looks very similar to the modern helicopters prepelers.
  • Robert Hooke uses the vanes of windmills to move water

  • Bernoulli suggests propelling boats

  • French inventors Creat a toy with a rotary-wing that could fly

    French inventor Launoy and Bienvenue creat a flying toy that works alot like a helicopter
  • A French writer named Ponton coins the term helicopter

    Ponton gave the helicopter its name from helico meaning spiral and pter for wings
  • The first piolated helicopter is invented but not succesful

    Paul Cornu invented a piolated helicopter but it was not succesful
  • The first helicopter is flown 1 kilo

    Etienne invents and flys a helicopter 1 kilo
  • The modern helicopter is built

    Igor Sikorsky was the first person To succesfuly fly and build a helicopter. His helicopter was the base design of all helicopters made today
  • Igor invented the first helicopter that could land in water

  • The modern millitary helicopter

    The modern millitary helicopter