Declaration of The Rights of MAN
The Declaration of The Rights of Man was written during The French Revolution, talking about the human rights. Influenced by the doctrine of natural right are held to be universal. -
Led peasants to opposition of reforms
The National Constituent Assembly dissolved itself because the people did not support the centrist regime it advocated, which included rule under the monarch. Robespierre's motion led to its dissolution on 30 September 1791 -
Limited Monarchy
A form of government in which the monarch acts as the head of the state. This form of government differs from absolute monarchy. -
Maximillien Robespierre changes society
He opposed war with Austria. He was important during the Revolution know as the Reign of Terror which ended after he was arrested and and executed in July of 1794 -
85% of those execute were peasants or members
All the peasants were executed because they are all trying to go against the leader and change everything back the way they were. -
Tried in morning and guillotined in afternoon
They killed the peasants in the afternoon that way they werent tired and awake. The killing in the afternoon made everything easy. -
The rule known as The Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror was a period of violence occurred after the onset by the Frence Revolution. The death toll ranged in the ten thousands. -
Reign of Terror ends with Robespierre’s’ execution
The Terror ends after he was arrested and was executed in the year of 1794. -
Turn out of fear
The fear leaves the town after the leader was executed by his own device that he invented.