Oct 31, 1517
95 theses
Martin Luther represents his feelings about the Catholic Church's idea on indulgences and how they should run the church. -
Period: Oct 31, 1517 to
Protestant Reformation
Jun 15, 1520
Papal Bull decides to condemn Luther for his rebel against the church
Apr 20, 1525
Peasents revolt reaches height due to Martin Luther's effort
May 25, 1528
Diet of Worms condemns Luther
Oct 11, 1531
Catholics kill Zwingli of Zurich in a Battle
Feb 5, 1534
Antibaptist revolt in Munster
Sep 25, 1555
Augsburg church tolerates Lutherans
France goes through the last phase of the thirty years war
Bernini's ecstasy of saint Theresa
Peace at Westphalia Holy Roman Empire