The Reformation Milestones

By manga1
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 theses

    95 theses
    Martin Luther represents his feelings about the Catholic Church's idea on indulgences and how they should run the church.
  • Period: Oct 31, 1517 to

    Protestant Reformation

  • Jun 15, 1520

    Papal Bull decides to condemn Luther for his rebel against the church

    Papal Bull decides to condemn Luther for his rebel against the church
  • Apr 20, 1525

    Peasents revolt reaches height due to Martin Luther's effort

    Peasents revolt reaches height due to Martin Luther's effort
  • May 25, 1528

    Diet of Worms condemns Luther

    Diet of Worms condemns Luther
  • Oct 11, 1531

    Catholics kill Zwingli of Zurich in a Battle

    Catholics kill Zwingli of Zurich in a Battle
  • Feb 5, 1534

    Antibaptist revolt in Munster

    Antibaptist revolt in Munster
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Augsburg church tolerates Lutherans

    Augsburg church tolerates Lutherans
  • France goes through the last phase of the thirty years war

    France goes through the last phase of the thirty years war
  • Bernini's ecstasy of saint Theresa

    Bernini's ecstasy of saint Theresa
  • Peace at Westphalia Holy Roman Empire

    Peace at Westphalia Holy Roman Empire