Oct 31, 1517
The 95 Theses
Martin Luther nails the 95 Theses that is opposed to the Catholic Churchs' abuses towards the citizen with the indulgences. -
Feb 1, 1521
Diet of Worms
(1521 Jan~May) A meeting of the Holy Roman emperor Charles V’s imperial diet at Worms in 1521, at which Martin Luther was summoned to appear and Luther gets excommunicated. -
Oct 3, 1522
The German Bible
While at the Wartburg castle, Luther works on a translation of the Bible into German and publishes his New Testament translation -
Oct 3, 1526
The English Bible
William Tyndale publishes a translation of the New Testament in English. -
Oct 3, 1530
Ausburg Confession
Publication of the Augsburg Confession which is about Lutheran theology and practice. -
Oct 3, 1533
English Reformation
The marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. Henry later marries Anne Boleyn. -
Nov 3, 1534
The Act of Supremacy
Henry VIII becomes the head of the Church in England, which separates from the Roman Catholic Church. -
Oct 3, 1535
The Execution of Thomas More
Thomas More got executed for not supporting the English Reformation -
Oct 3, 1546
Martin Luther's Death
Martin Luther dies at the age of 62, in Eisleben, Germany. His final words: We are beggars: this is true. -
Oct 3, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
The Peace of Augsburg (1555) created the distinction between Roman Catholicism and all Protestant Churches. All princes of Germany were allowed to choose the religion of their country.