The reform

By isma99
  • Oct 27, 1517

    Start protest

    Start protest
    The protest was organized by the
    German Martin Luther, supported by the German princes. In 1517 he posted on
    door of the Wittenberg church the 95 theses
  • Period: Oct 27, 1517 to Mar 11, 1563


  • Dec 10, 1520

    Luther burns the Papal Bull

    Luther burns the Papal Bull
  • Jan 27, 1521

    Imperial Diet of Worms

  • Mar 11, 1521

    Luther is excommunicated

  • May 6, 1521

    Luther was condemned for heresy

  • Jun 13, 1524

    Peasant uprisings beginning

  • Mar 11, 1534

    Henry VIII founded the Anglican Church

    Henry VIII founded the Anglican Church
    In England Henry VIII, after the pope granted him a divorce, founded the Anglican Church (Act
    excel) and I took charge.
  • Mar 11, 1536

    Calvin in Switzerland

    Calvin in Switzerland
    The protest spread in central and northern. In Switzerland, the French Calvin gave birth to the Calvinist movement
  • Oct 27, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Between 1545 and 1563 was held in Trento a council built by Charles V and Pope Paul
    III. The council was called to avoid a split within the Church and at the
    order to renew it. It took place in Trento, a border city between the areas of the Catholic faithful
    and the Protestant ones.
    The council worked on two floors, the dogmatic and that of the organization