Period: to
Plastic Recycling Progress( Citing Sources)
Chronological Data reported through sources. -
Nicky Scott, Illustrated by Axel Scheffler., Reduce, Reuse,Recycle: An Early Household Guide, P. 64-71 Chelsea Green Publishing Company, Vermont , 2007. Print
A book that list specific materials around the average household that can be recycled, including plastic material. Offers tips and methods for the recycling the process of plastic. -
Harvey Bryan “Recycling” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1. Encyclopedia and Dictionaries. I. World Book, Inc. (Vol… By Letter R) AE5. W55 2009 ed. Print.
Explains the process of recycling in general, list most if not all of the materials that are eligible to be recycled. -
Joseph A. Biesenberger; Paul G. Kelleher; Marino Xanthos “Plastics”-The Polymer Processing Institute. The World Book Encyclopedia. 1. Encyclopedia and dictionaries. I. World Book, Inc. (Vol… By Letter P). AE5. W55 2009 ed. Print.
Explains the composition of plastic in detail, (process from raw materials to actual plastic. Explains, and categorizes types of plastics. -
Paul Connet., Foreword by Jeremy Irons; The Zero Waste Solution Chelsea Green Publishing Company, Vermont, 2013. Print
Explores several effective methods that are involved in the sanitation, and recycling processes around the Globe. -
Caballero, B. M. 1., et al. Possibilities and Limits of Pyrolysis for Recycling Plastic Rich Waste Streams Rejected from Phones Recycling Plants. 57 Vol. , 2016. Print.
Explores what transpires when some of the plastics that are considered to be a part electronics are melted down. -
Pivnenko, K., et al. "Recycling of Plastic Waste: Presence of Phthalates in Plastics from Households and Industry." Waste Management 54 (2016): 44-52. Print.
Provides a detailed explanation about substances that are known as plasticizers. Includes in depth analysis about the Worlds' most common type of plasticizers: known as Phthalates.