The Provinces of Canada

  • The Act of Union

    Upper and Lower Canada joined together into the united province of Canada. They became known as Canada West and East, respectively.
  • Capital of Canada

    Ottawa, in Canada West, was chosen as Canada's capital.
  • Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences

    The two conferences are held in the fall of 1864 (September-October), and the Canadas, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P.E.I., and Newfoundland joined and discussed union (Newfoundland was only present at the Quebec Conference). The Canadas, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick decide to join together, and drew up the 72 Resolutions to guide Canada's "construction", as well as for the British North American Act.
  • London Conference

    The British North American Act (BNA Act) is drafted at the London Conference.
  • Confederation

    The BNA Act is signed by the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick-the three colonies join together to create Canada. CONFEDERATION IS ESTABLISHEEEDDD :DDD !!!!!
  • North-West Territories and Rupert's Land

    The North-West Territories and Rupert's Land join Canada.
  • Manitoba

    Manitoba joins Canada.
  • British Columbia

    British Columbia joins Canada.
  • Prince Edward Island

    The trade between the first four BNA colonies was booming, while P.E.I. had bad luck with trade. P.E.I.'s railway also failed. MacDonald made a deal with P.E.I. that he would take over their debts if they joined. P.E.I. agreed, and joined Canada.
  • Yukon

    Yukon joins Canada.
  • Alberta and Saskatchewan

    Alberta and Saskatchewan are established, and join Canada.
  • Newfoundland

    Newfoundland joins Canada.