
The Progressive Era

  • Theodore Roosevelt Elected President

    Theodore Roosevelt Elected President
    Elected president.
  • Lochner v. New York

    Lochner v. New York
    The Supreme Court decides in Lochner v. New York that states
    are forbidden from restricting working hours in private
    businesses. Labor advocates argue, and four dissenting justices
    agree, that some hazardous jobs require state oversight.
    Lochner is a victory for big business.
  • Industrial Workers of the World Founded

    Industrial Workers of the World Founded
  • The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

    The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
  • Hepburn Act Passed

    Hepburn Act Passed
  • Pure Food And Drug Act Passed

    Pure Food And Drug Act Passed
    President Roosevelt signs a comprehensive Pure Food and Drug
    Act and the Meat Inspection Act. The Acts, passed after
    “muckraking” journalists reveal unsanitary conditions in food
    production and the existence of fraudulent medicines, impose
    fines on companies that endanger the health of consumers.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection Act
    As a result of Roosevelt’s reform agenda and the publication of
    “muckraking” works like The Jungle, the federal government
    passes the Meat Inspection Act. As with the Pure Food and Drug
    Act (passed the same day), the government steps in to restrain
    big business and protect the public’s health and welfare.
  • Roosevelt Denounces Segregation

    Roosevelt Denounces Segregation
  • Muller V. Oregon

    Muller V. Oregon
  • William Taft Elected President

    William Taft Elected President
  • NAACP Founded

    NAACP Founded
  • Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act Passed

    Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act Passed
  • Freud visits United States

    Freud visits United States
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
  • Antitrust Suit Triggers Breakup of Standard Oil

    Antitrust Suit Triggers Breakup of Standard Oil
  • Progressive Bull Moose Party Formed

    Progressive Bull Moose Party Formed
  • Woodrow Wilson Elected President

    Woodrow Wilson Elected President