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The Progressive Era and Imperialism

  • Panama becomes a nation

    Panama becomes a nation
    Imperialism: In 1828 Panama earns its independence from Spain and becomes a country.
  • The opening of japan's harbor

    The opening of japan's harbor
    Imperialism: Matthew perry led his 4 ships into the harbor at tokyo bay in hopes of starting trade between the US and Japan
  • Purchase of Alaska

    Purchase of Alaska
    Imperialism: William seward bought it from russia was known as seward's folly they later on found a lot of oil there
  • rebellion in puerto rico

    rebellion in puerto rico
    Imperialism: In 1868 women and men revolted against Spain to try to gain their country's independence.
  • Sumner and Social Darwinism

    Sumner and Social Darwinism
    Progressive Era: Herbert Spencer started the idea that people follow the same rules as darwin's natural selection. You were rich because you were stronger or smarter. It is just the natural order of things It helped defend things like imperialism and racism. William Sumner would write several things about how it works with nature and liberty.
  • hawaii became an became a territory

    hawaii became an became a territory
    Imperialism: Hawaii was independent US gave there queen two option she surrendered and it later on had enough people there to be apart of the US
  • rebellion in cuba

    rebellion in cuba
    Imperialism: Cuba revolted to try and win independence from Spain
  • War in the philippeans

    War in the philippeans
    Imperialism: This war started in 1899 and was a war between the Philippine republic and the United States. The United States would win the war and take control of the country. In 1946 the US would grant them their independence
  • the boxer rebellion

    the boxer rebellion
    Imperialism: The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising that happened in china where people who had a hobby of boxing revolted. They wanted all foreign people out of China
  • Roosevelt Elected

    Roosevelt Elected
    Imperialism: Roosevelt is elected as president
  • Philippines become a US territory (end of the war in the Philippines)

    Philippines become a US territory (end of the war in the Philippines)
    Imperialism: America gain control of the philippines
  • Roosevelt established first wildlife refuge

    Roosevelt established first wildlife refuge
    Progressive Era: Roosevelt established the first park called pelican island
  • Ford Motor Company is established

    Ford Motor Company is established
    Progressive Era: The ford motor company made the first car affordable for the average American family called the Model T
  • Roosevelt Corollary is released

    Roosevelt Corollary is released
    Imperialism: Roosevelt states that the US would get involved in problems between any countries from Europe and Latin American. He used the Monroe Doctrine to justify the involvement.
  • Industrial workers of America

    Industrial workers of America
    Progressive Era: This labor union formed with the goal of joining unskilled workers in hopes of getting rid of capitalism
  • Swift company vs the United States

    Swift company vs the United States
    The United States government takes the Swift Company and the Beef Trust to court because they were fixing the prices of cattle. The Supreme court rules for the US based on the Anti-Sherman Trust Act
  • The book The Jungle is published

    The book The Jungle is published
    Progressive Era: This booky by Upton Sinclair was about about harsh conditions immigrants had to face in the meat packing plants of Chicago
  • pure food and drug act passes

    pure food and drug act passes
    Progressive Era: This act makes sure the meat being processed in a sanitary place. It required meat to be labeled and medication to labeled as well.
  • Meat inspection act

    Meat inspection act
    Progressive Era: Act passed to make sure the meat is slaughtered and processed is in a sanitary place
  • Taft is elected

    Taft is elected
    Progressive Era: President taft is elected president
  • NAACP is established

    NAACP is established
    Progressive Era: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is established. This organization fights for equal rights in our country
  • 16th amendment passes

    16th amendment passes
    Progressive Era: The 16th amendment passes. This amendment gives the federal government the right to tax Americans income.
  • mexican revolution begins

    mexican revolution begins
    Imperialism: Mexico erupts in civil war. There was a fight over who would control mexico's government
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    Progressive era: Factory fire that happed in new york that killed many women. It is one of the worst fires in history. People weren't able to escape due to poor working conditions and doors being locked.
  • Wilson is elected

    Wilson is elected
    Progressive Era: President Woodrow Wilson is elected for president
  • 17th amendment passes

    17th amendment passes
    Progressive Era: US citizens would now vote directly for their US senators instead of the state legislature voting for them.
  • Federal Reserve

    Federal Reserve
    Progressive Era: The federal reserve was established. This controls controls things like interest rate and helps keep our banks stable
  • Panama Canal is finished

    Panama Canal is finished
    Imperialism: The panama canal is finished. The United States would control the canal for many years.
  • women get the right to vote

    women get the right to vote
    Progressive Era: Women are now allowed to vote with the passing of the 19th amendment
  • Child Labor Laws

    Child Labor Laws
    Progressive Era: Federal government passes laws setting limits on child labor including things like number of hours they can work