
The Progressive Era

By savren
  • Sedition Act

    put limits on the freedom of speech amendment includes making fake news and causing harm.
  • Rise of KKK (early 20th century)

    Rise of KKK (early 20th century)
    racist clan started in 1865 and in every southern state by 1870
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    laws in the south that enforced segregation in the south.
  • Chinese exclusion act

    Chinese exclusion act
    a law that did not allow Chinese people to immigrate to America.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    the government started to regulate railroads to stop its monopoly from growing.
  • Muckrakers

    the journalist that went undercover to see if a company was doing illegal activities to expose them.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    this law put an end to the monopoly
  • Plessy Vs Ferguson

    Plessy Vs Ferguson
    the supreme court decision to keep schools segregated but equal.
  • McKinley Assassinated

    McKinley Assassinated
    William McKinley was assassinated in buffalo new york
  • Coal Miner Strike-1902

    Coal Miner Strike-1902
    mineworkers stopped working and protested for better wages, standards, shorter workdays, and recognition of their union.
  • Niagara Movement

    Niagara Movement
    civil rights group created in 1905 to create political and social change.
  • Food and Drug Act

    Food and Drug Act
    first consumer protection law later became FDA
  • Federal Meat Inspection Act

    Federal Meat Inspection Act
    the act that makes it illegal to mislabel meats as other meats
  • The Jungle Published

    The Jungle Published
    a book about how immigrants where exploited
  • Roosevelt-Antiquities Act

    Roosevelt-Antiquities Act
    signed by teddy to further protect cultural and natural resources.
  • Muller v. Oregon

    Muller v. Oregon
    lowered women hours to 10 in factories and laundries
  • Taft Wins

    Taft Wins
    Taft wins the presidential election to beat Byran Jennings.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    allows the government to take taxes on income without talking to going through the states.
  • NAACP formed

    NAACP formed
    civil rights organization to help African Americans out
  • Urban League

    Urban League
    civil movement in NYC that advocated for social and economic justice for African Americans
  • Triangle Shirtwaist fire

    a big laundry in manhattan caught fire kills 146 injuries 78
  • Teddy Roosevelt’s- Square Deal

    teddys plan for his big goal which included control of corporations, consumer protection, and conservation of natural resources.
  • Underwood-Simmons Tariff

    re-enforced federal income tax to reduce tariff prices.
  • 17th Amendment

    establish that the senate will be made of two senators a state and will hold their seats for 6 years.
  • Department of Labor Established

    federal department to keep wages, safety, and hour standards.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    the act signed by congress to establish a steady economic system.
  • Federal Trade Commission Act

    outlaws unfair methods of competition and unfair commerce acts
  • Wilson Asks for War

    Wilson asked that people stay impartial but the tension of war was still there
  • Trench Warfare

    type of warfare used during WWI because of new technology and their power.
  • Clayton Antitrust Act

    defines unethical business practices
  • Federal trade Commission

    founded by Woodrow Wilson to make enforce civil antitrust laws and protect consumers.
  • The Birth of a Nation (1915)

    drama movie based off the novel clansman
  • Lusitania sunk

    us passenger ship sunk american citizens killed.
  • Wilson Elected

    Woodrow Wilson beats supreme court justice chares Evan Hughes.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    telegram from Germany to mexico. Germany wants to aid mexico to take american territory.
  • Espionage Act

    made it illegal to relay information that would interfere with us armed forces
  • Hammer v. Dagenhart

    court declares child labor unconstitutional
  • Wilson-Fourteen Points

    Woodrow Wilson fourteen points of peace that he wanted from the treaty of Versailles
  • 18th amendment

    prohibition starts which bans all alcohol.
  • Armistice Day

    holiday for former solders now veterans day
  • Versailles Peace Conference

    meeting where all the nations from wwi met and discussed the peace terms after the war
  • Wilson Stroke

    Woodrow Wilson has a stroke that leaves him inactive for the rest of his presidency.
  • Treaty of Versailles to Senate

    a treaty set to end the war establishing the league of nations
  • Tuskegee Institute

    hbcu located in Alabama founded by lewis Adams, booker t Washington, and George Washington carver
  • 19th amendment

    gave women the right to vote
  • League of Nations

    association of countries to keep the world at peace
  • Jane Addams-Hull House

    the first woman to win a Nobel prize which she gets for serving the newly arrived immigrants.