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The Progressive Era
William Jennings Bryan
William Jennings Bryan was nominated as one of the democratic advocates for president. He was supported by the Populist Party. He was a two term congressman from Nebraska and supported by Populists.
The Populist party wanted reform for farmers, formed from the Farmer's Alliance. They wanted to make the lives of the farmers better, so that they could somehow earn themselves money for food and other necessities. Bryan was their leader, and presidential candidate for the election of 1896. -
Robert la Follette
Robert La Follette was elected governor in 1900, and was one of the most energetic progressive leaders. He backed the reform program called the Wisconsin Idea, which became the model for other states. He was one of the main progressives, working actively towards certain goals. Another of which was that he got laws passed to "curb excessive lobbying and backed labor legislation, the conservation of Wisconsin's natural resources." He kept fighting for reform until his death in 1925. -
Eugene Debs
Eugene Debs ran as a Socialist candidate for president in 1900. He wanted to change the way railroads were run, as he believed that they were unfair and corrupt. He was jailed many times for his beliefs, but eventually, his need for reform paid off. He was a national hero in many peoples' eyes and he was respected even after his death. -
Charles Evans Hughes
Hughes serves as counsel to many legislative investigating committees in New York. He worked with the Stevens Gas Commission to unearth utility practices that would benefit the society. He also helped unearth insurance fraud and abuse were brought to light. He wanted to work to make public service reforms happen, and he did so by showing what the insurance companies were doing. -
Period: to
Teddy Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt , a leading progressive, served as president of the United States after the death of President McKinley. He was one of the leading progressives, one of the reasons why he was elected president. -
Ida Tarbell-muckraker
Ida Tarbell, a muckraker in the progressive era, was assigned by S.S. McClure to investigate the Standard Oil Company for corruption. She agreed, so that she could write about it and try and change the corruption of businesses and prevent monopolies. Eventually she published her first installment, called "History of the Standard Oil Company". -
Publication of "Tweed Days in St. Louis"
This magazine showcased the misdeeds and scandals by the notorious political boss, William Tweed. This publication was cause for political reform because it revealed all of the scandals that were taking place behind government. -
National Child Labor Committee formed
The Committe attempted to persuade state legislatures to pass laws that prevented employing young children. Some states prevented older children from working longer than 8 to 10 hours, and also prevented them from working at night or in dangerous conditions. However, the enforcement of this law was completely relaxed. Many employers said that their businesses succeeded with cheap child labor, and didn't obey the laws set. -
HG Welles
HG Wells, an author during the early 1900's, wrote The Future in America. This book showcases the technologies and inventions needed for a bright future in the USA. He basically added onto, if not made better, the book Democracy in America. He touches on the changes that would be needed to adapt to a future in the country. -
Upton Sinclair
Sinclair's book, the Jungle, sickened and disheartened many Americans. He attempted to reveal to America what the meat packing industry was like, how disgusting it was, and how desperately it needed to change. He wanted labor reform, focusing especially on the meat packing industry. He described in nauseating detail the conditions of the factory. Later, there were rules and regulations, The Meat Inspection Act, set in place, which called for better conditions in factories that handle food. -
16th Amendment
The 16th Amendment is approved. This amendment states that the federal government is allowed to collect income taxes. This is towards social justice reform, making people that much more equal. -
Hiram Johnson
Hiram Johnson, in 1910 is elected governor of California. He wants to make some changes in the politics of California, especially with the Southern Pacific Railroad. He makes changes, and continues to push through other political reforms. -
Triangle Shirtwaist Co. fire
At the Triangle Shirtwaist Company, a fire started in one of the rag bins. Most were trapped inside, and their only escape was out the window. Because of the blockaded exits, many people jumped to their deaths.
This fire was one of the reasons for labor reform. The state that the company was in, with the rag bins, was dangerous and careless. This caused people to want to make work in factories safer for workers. -
MA passes minimum wage law
The minimum wage law is in place because it controls the amount of money given to a worker. The worker can't be cheated out of money because they always have the minimum to work for. This had been changed since the turn of the century, when workers would complain of lowered wages. -
Jane Addams
Jane Addams campaigned nationwide for Teddy Roosevelt, becoming a part of the Progressive Party. She worked towards economic reform during the Progressive Era, and with the Hull House, she became a controversial figure during this time period. -
17th Amendment
The 17th Amendment is adopted. It states that senators are to be directly elected, not by state legislature. This goes towards reform because it allows for the public to elect which senator they want to be in the Senate. -
Woodrow Wilson
Wilson, as a part of Congress, went through major pieces of legislation. One of them was an antitrust legislation that established a Federal Trade Commission, that prevented unfair business practices. He was all towards preventing corrupt practices, hoping to make reform in that area happen. -
Grant publishes "The Passing of a Great Race"
This book is written as a gateway to a modern civilization. It talks about how races are the roots for modern civilization and how the modern world calls for desirable traits and that those with less desirable ones should be quarantined. -
The 18th Amendment
The 18th Amendment was passed. It stated that alcoholic beverages were prohibited. It was believed that without alcohol, America would not have as much crime and poverty. -
18th Amendment Ratified
States ratify the 18th Amendment, all of them agreeing to the amendment. -
19th Amendment
The 19th Amendment is the amendment that allows women to have voting rights. This goes towards social justice reform because women, before this time, were not allowed to vote or have any really important rights. Once this amendment was passed, they had the right to vote.