Salvation Army
The Salvation Army was a social welfare reform. It did things like fed the poor in soup kitchens, cared for children in nursuries and educated immigrants. -
Eugene Debs
Eugene Debs was the canidate for the socialist party many times during this era. He also sparked the growth of the American Socialist Party. He worked towards labor reform creating The American Railway Union, the first industrial union for unskilled workers. -
Teddy Roosevelt Becomes President
Teddy Roselevelt becomes the 26th president of the United States after the assasination of William McKinley. He helps with many reforms throughout his presidency including; Elkin's Act, the Meat Inspection Act, and the Pure Food and Drug Act. Teddy Rossevelt also becomes leader of the Progressive Party. His main legacy left behind was the idea of conserving land. -
H. G. Wells
Wells was an English writer. He wrote many novels during the progressive era pointing out the flaws of America in hopes for reform. He called his views in his writing socialist. -
Elkin's Act
Elkin's Act was a corrupt practice reform. This act made it so railroads couldnt change rates without notification. This made it more fair for people using the railroads. It aslo made it so railroads couldn't give rebates as incentives. -
Upton Sinclair
Upton Sinclair was a muckraker. He wrote a famous novel called "The Jungle" that exposed details about the meat packing industry in chicago. He raised awareness and influenced Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act. -
Meat Inspection Act
The Meat Inspection Act was a public service reform that made it so there were strict cleanliness requirements for both meat packers and the Federal Meat Inspectors. It made it so the meat was more sanitary and safe to eat then before because the people now had certain requirments they had to meet. -
Pure Food and Drug Act
The Pure Food and Drug Act was a business reform because it chnged the way businesses ran their companys. This act made it so the sale of contaminated food and medicine was at a halt. Also, it made businesss require a truth in labeling meaning products couldnt be lied about. -
Florence Kelley
Florence Kelley helped improve the lives of both women and children. Especially with getting child labor banned in factories in Illinois. She worked for minnimum wage, 8-hour work days and children's rights. -
The 16th Amendment
The 16th amendment established Congress' right to impose a federal income tax. Meaning that an individual has money taken out of their pay check to give to the government. -
Charles Evans Hughes
Hughes was a moderate republican who worked in many different parts of the government. He called for reform by modernizing the state government. He did this by greatening the powers of the governer. -
Hiram Johnson
Hiram Johnson was governor of California during the progressive era and worked towrds equality of men and women. He supported womens rights and hoped to make them more equal among men. -
The 17th Amendment
The 17th amendment allowed voters to cast direct votes for United States senators. Prior to this amendment state legislatures did the job of choosing the countries senators. -
Jane Addams
Jane Addams established group homes in the city for poor people. She helped the poor who couldnt afford a home have a place to stay and have good living conditons. She was dedicated to improving the social conditions. In the year of 1912 she created the Hull House. -
Keating-Owen Act
The Keating-Owen Act was a labor reform that made it so one can't move products from state to state if made by child labor. This made it so the states would have to be up to the states to pass their own legislation to restrict child labor because the goods made by children could be transported. -
The 18th Amendment
The 18th amendment banned the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol. It was the start to Prohibition. -
Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Points"
President Woodrow Wilson is elected president in the year 1912 and goes into office in 1913. In the year of 1918 he gives his speech "the Fourteen Points" to Congress. The speech was given to address that the war being fought (World War I) was being fought for good reasons and peace with the people in Europe. He helped to create peace. -
The 19th Amendment
The 19th amendment guaranteed all women the right to vote. This was a major change in history because women were never given this privilege before. -
William Jennings Bryan
William Jennings Bryan ran for president multiple types but failed to take office during the progressive era. However he supported reforms such as regulating trusts and railroad benefits -
Robert La Follette
Robert La Follette also known as fighting Bob wanted to drive business out of politics. He helped with reform at the state level making it so there couldnt be bribery. He didn't want people to support causes because of deals they would make with a business.