Period: to
The Progressive Era
Public Service Reform
One act that contributed to the public service reform was the Pendleton Civil Service Act. This act passed in 1883 and emphasized the idea that government jobs should be given on a basis of merit. This got rid of the idea of someone being elected and bringing in all of their friends to work government jobs not fit for them. It was one of the first progressive acts passed in the progressive era. -
Eugene Debs
Eugene was an American union leader. Eugene founded the IWW, which is the Industrial Workers of the World. He contributed to the pregressive era when he help found the ARU one of the nations first industrial unions -
Ida Tarbell: Muckraker
Ida was a muckraker in the progressive era. She wrote for a magazine called McClure's and researched the standard oil buisness. She published a series of eighteen articles questioning the buisness practices and ethics -
Business Reform
One of the biggest business reformers was T.R. His acts obviously impacted the progressive era alot and his reforms in business alone shows this. Roosevelt worked to end monopolies to help middle-class consumers and made big business owners set fair conditions to their workers. He influenced the progressive era by helping the consumer and regulating businesses in addition to the many other things he did. -
Teddy Roosevelt
Teddy was the 26th president of the United States. His nickname was T.R. TR played a large role in progessive one of his major contributions was takeing down large Trusts between companies. These trusts bankrupted many farmers because of there high prices and helped the people alot when they were gone. -
Charles Evans Hughes
Charles Evans Hughes criticized and defeated William Randolph Hearst, and was a well-regognized leader for the progressive party. He established the Public Service Comission, and additionally, Hughes helped the insurance reforms and labor legislation. -
Upton Sinclair
Upton was an American author who wrote close to one hundred books in many genres. He grew fame due to his famous muckraking. The most famous novel and his contribtuion to the Progessive Era was called the Jungle. It showed how badly immigrants lived. -
Corrupt Practices Reform
Political Machines in cities at this time were bribing people to vote for them. They pretty much ran the cities at this time and the corrupt practices reform put an end to it. -
Social Justice Reform
American Life in 1909 was written by Herbert Crowley. In it were solutions to the poor conditions of the working and buisness classes in America. It also emphasized welfare of ALL citizens. -
H.G. Welles
Herbet George Welles was what H.G. stands for. He grew popular by writing science fiction novels and is know to be the father of science fiction. He later wrote about politics and sympathized with pacifist in a more serious non-science fiction writings. -
Hiram Johnson
Hiram was an American politician. He lived from 1866- 1945. His contribution to progressive reform was being isolationist politician on the progressive side -
Labor Reform
The National Child Labor Committee was established to better the conditions of working children. By 1912, this committee had helped better the conditions of child labor by passing laws in 39 states. It had big contribtuion to the progressive era because of this. -
16th Amendment
The 16th amendment was a Constitutional Amendment that let an individual income tax in the US. This meant that each person, rather than a buisness, has money taken out of their paycheck and given to the government. -
The 17th Amendment
This was a Constitutional Amndment that allowed the direct election of US senators. This meant that votes did not go through a majority of state vote but instead went into the number of votes that a Senator recieved from his or her state. -
William Jennings Bryan
William was a politician from 1913--1915. He was largerly influencial in the Democratic Party. His contributions to the progessive era included trust busting like TR and was an anti-imperialist -
Robert La Follette
Robert La Follette was an American Rupublican. He had the nickname Fighting Bob. He was the vocal voice of the fight against railroad trust and WWI. -
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson help start the Keating Owen Act. This act outlawed the interstate sale of products produced by children. Woodrow Wilson backed this act that was shut down in 1918. However, it was one of the first major movements against child labor in the US. It was eventually outlawed in 1930. -
The 18th Amendment
This was a Constitutional Amendment that barred the importation, distribution. It also barred the sale of alcoholic beverages within the United States. This was the period known to be prohibition. -
Jane Addams
Jane was a pioneer settlement social worker. He was also a public philoshoper and author. She helped turn the US to issues of concern to mothers, such as the needs of children, public health, and world peace -
The 19th Amendment
The 19th Amendment granted women full voting rights. Orignally only men were allowed to vote. This started the reforms for women.