The Progression of the Habitual Offenders Act

By keatsm
  • The First Recmmendation of the Sexual Offenders Act

    Recommendations made in 1938 by the Archambault Commission.
  • Introduction of the Habitual Offender Act

    Canada first introduced legislation to deal with “dangerous” offenders in 1947. Called The Habitual Offender Act, the legislation was designed to incapacitate offenders with lengthy criminal records by keeping them in prison and away from the general public
  • Sexual Psychopath Act

    In 1948 a second piece of legislation, known as the Sexual Psychopath Act, was passed to ensure that dangerous sexual offenders would be identified and treated by mental health professionals.
  • Dangerous Sexual Offender Act

    In 1960, the Dangerous Sexual Offender Act replaced the 1948 legislation and set out specific criteria for determining dangerousness including the offender’s criminal record and the circumstances of the current offence.
  • Period: to

    Everett George Klippert Case

    Unfair prosecution of a homosexual man. He was sentenced to jail indefinitly and he was deemed as a dangerous sexual offender. He had previously been imprisoned for 4 counts of gross indecency and served 3 years in prison before he was deemed as a dangerous sexual offender
  • Criminal Law Amendment Act

    Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1977(11) started from scratch and enacted the current rules on dangerous offenders.
  • Legislation Progression

    The determination of dangerousness was to be made following conviction but prior to sentencing. In 1988, legislation was put in place to allow the National Parole Board to detain offenders (who had not been designated as dangerous) past statutory release to the end of their sentence in the interests of public safety, if they felt that the individual was likely to re-offend in a violent or sexual manner.
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    Prescott Nightmare

    The Prescott Nightmare was a Ritual sexual child abuse case with multiple victims and multiple offfenders in a town named Prescott in Ontario. Although Prescott and its surrounding rural area has a sparse population density, about 120 area adults were alleged to have committed heinous crimes against children in an near that town, during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Following the precedent of a similar case in Martensville, SK, we will call this the "Prescott Nightmare."
  • Introduction of Long Term Offender Act

  • Sex Offender Information Registration Act

    In partnership with the provinces and territories, the Government of Canada created a National Sex Offender Registry to provide rapid access by police to current vital information about convicted sex offenders. Depending on jurisdiction, police agencies may access the NSOR database directly or through their provincial or territorial registration Sex Offender Registry Centre. Information such as addresses and telephone numbers, offence, alias(es), identifying marks and tattoos of convicted sex of
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    Robert Vanbraickel

    Dismissing an application to have Robert Vanbraeckel declared a dangerous offender, Superior Court Justice Steven Rogin sentenced the repeat sex offender to eight years in prison because he didn’t think Vanbraeckel was a lost cause.
  • Introduction of the Dangerous Offenders Legislation

    October 17, 2006, the Canadian government introduced legislation that made it easier for Crown prosecutors to obtain dangerous offender designations. The amendments provide, among other things, that an offender found guilty of a third conviction of a designated violent or sexual offence must prove that he or she does not qualify as a dangerous offender.
  • Tackling Violent Crime Act

    On 2 July 2008, the Tackling Violent Crime Act(13) tightened the rules that apply to dangerous offenders who are repeat offenders. To facilitate the designation of a dangerous offender, this legislation established a presumption that a person who had committed three serious offences was a dangerous offender.
  • Protecting Victims From Sex Offenders Act

    This enactment amends the Criminal Code, the Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the National Defence Act to enhance police investigation of crimes of a sexual nature and allow police services to use the national database proactively to prevent crimes of a sexual nature. It also amends the Criminal Code and the International Transfer of Offenders Act to require sex offenders arriving in Canada to comply with the Sex Offender Information Registration Act.