The progression of Cyberpunk.

  • Period: to

    Cyberpunk Timeline

  • Early use of the word "punk".

    To signify criminal activities.
  • The word "cybernetics" coined by Norbert Wiener

  • The Naked Lunch published

  • The word "cyborg" coined by Manfred Clynes

  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep published.

  • K.W. Jeter completes Dr. Adder (Spring)

  • "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" published in New Dimensions 3Gravity's Rainbow published

  • Shockwave Rider published

  • The Ramones release first album; punk begins

  • "Fragments of a Hologram Rose" published in Unearth (summer)Never Mind the Bullocks - Here's the Sex Pistols released; punk gets notoriousThe Clash release first album; punk gets seriousThe Ophiuchi Hotline published

  • Generation X, with Billy Idol on lead vocals, releases first album

  • The Clash release London Calling

  • City Come A-Walkin' publishedThe Artificial Kid published

  • "Johnny Mnemonic" published in Omni (May)Spacetime Donuts published"The Gernsback Continuum " published in Universe 11"True Names" publishedSterling introduces Gibson's "Burning Chrome" to the writer's workshop in Austin

  • Software published (Jan.)Gibson attends ArmadiloCon and reads the opening chapter of his work-in-progress, Neuromancer. "Behind the Mirrorshade: A Look at Punk SF" panel held. (Oct.)Blade Runner releasedTron released