1st Stage - Early Years
On the first stage of the bone maturation the bone is pretty much formed out of cartilage and the nutrient arteriole invades calcified cartilage. -
2nd Stage
On the second stage of the bone maturation the adult bones start to form and the cavity begins to form once the is replaced by bone. An epiphyseal disk forms, separating the diaphysis from the epiphysis at each end of the bone. -
3rd Stage
On to the third stage the blood vessels continue to invade the calcifying (hardening) cartilage, forming the medullary canal. Cartilage begins to form in to compact bone in the diaphysis of the bone. -
4th Stage - Fully Matured
As the bone reaches full maturity, the epiphysis can clearly be seen at each end of the bone, consisting of spongy bone covered in articular cartilage. The medullary canal is fully formed, containing blood vessels and bone marrow.