Jan 1, 1041
Chinese Use Wood Blocks
The chinese began carving into clay and wood blocks as a way of printing Chinese scrolls. -
Jan 1, 1295
Italians Create Printed Words and Images
Marco Polo brought idea of woodblock printing to Italy. Italians manipulated the blocks to create rased letters and images that were inked creating printed pages of words and images. -
Jan 1, 1436
Johann Gutenberg Creates Printing Press
Gutenberg altered an olive press that presses olives for oils into a machine that presses a printing block into sheets of paper below it. This made it possible to print multiple copes. Information now had the potential to be universally known. -
Jan 1, 1495
The Boston Newsletter
The first successful newspaper appears in Boston in 1705 entitled The Boston News Letter. Information was now able to spread quickly and easily. -
Xerox puts first xerographic photocopier on the market. -
Laser Printer
First laser printer is introduced by IBM.