The Prince and the Pauper

By jw91255
  • Jan 16, 1547

    In other news

    In other news
    Ivan IV the Terrible (17) crowns himself 1st tsar of Moscow
  • Jan 18, 1547

    The Swap

    The Swap
    Edward and Tom trade clothes “to get a feeling of the others life” and discover they look a lot a like.
  • Jan 18, 1547

    Thrown Out

    Thrown Out
    Edward discovers a bruise on Tom’s hand that was put there by mistreatment from the guard and goes to rebuke him, not caring about how he’s dressed. The guard throws Edward out thinking that he is just a commoner.
  • Jan 20, 1547

    Edward the Commoner

    Edward the Commoner
    John Canty finds Edward in the streets, but later that night he manages to escape from the family and then later almost gets beat up by a mob, but Miles Hendon stops them.
  • Jan 21, 1547

    Insane Prince Tom

    Insane Prince Tom
    The Royal Court is very confused about “the prince’s” behavior and everyone thinks he’s gone insane, but the king tells them to overlook it. Tom finds a book on the etiquette of the English court and quickly learns how to play the role.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Death of King Henry VIII

    Death of King Henry VIII
    King Henry died at the age of 55
  • Jan 28, 1547


    King Edward VI of England was enthroned following death of Henry VIII
  • Jan 29, 1547

    With the Thieves

    With the Thieves
    Miles manages to lose the prince the day after he first finds him. Edward ends back up in the grasp of John Canty but this time along with Hugo. He manages to escape them when he tells a man that Hugo is a thief.
  • Jan 30, 1547

    The Hermit

    The Hermit
    The next morning they almost find Edward again so he runs away into a woods where he later finds the hermit. The hermit ties him up and is about to kill him when Miles shows up, but the hermit leads him away allowing Hugh and Canty to find the prince once more.
  • Feb 1, 1547

    The Pauper as King

    The Pauper as King
    King Henry VIII has passed away and Tom is now King. Within the first four days people begin to question the rumors of the “prince’s” madness.
  • Feb 3, 1547


    Hugh manages to frame Edward for thievery, but Miles convinces the judge that it’s in everyone’s best interest that he just lets the boy go and the two head back to London. Along the way, they make a pit stop and find Mile’s brother, Hugh Hendon, pretends not to recognize him and has him arrested as an impostor--the prince of course came with him. Here the prince discovers the injustices of the English laws. Miles finishes his sentence and the two set off again.
  • Feb 20, 1547

    Swapped Back

    Swapped Back
    When the traveling pair make it to London, the find the Coronation Ceremony for the crowning of the king is starting. Just before the Archbishop of Canterbury places the crown on Tom’s head, Edward steps forward, claiming to be the real king, and forbids it. The two then explain everything that had happened. No one really believes them until Edward tells them where he put the Great Seal of England, which has been “missing” since about the beginning of the story.
  • Feb 20, 1547

    Crowning of Edward

    Crowning of Edward
    Edward VI was crowned king of England at the age of nine
  • Feb 21, 1547

    King Edward VI Of England

    King Edward VI Of England
    Edward is crowned king and he dubs Miles a knight, Tom a King’s Ward and grants Nan, Bet and Mother Canty. Throughout his short rule, Edward remembers his adventures as a pauper and tires to be a more merciful ruler because of them.
  • Mar 25, 1547

    Battle of Pinkie

    Battle of Pinkie
    Battle at Pinkie, Midlothian: England beats Scotland