Teddy Roosevelt is elected
On this date, Roosevelt is elected as the 26th President of the United States of America. At the time period, Roosevelt is the youngest president to be elected, at an age of 42. President Roosevelt brought a new attitude to the nationa with his progressive and energetic disposition. -
Period: to
The Era of Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
Inside the timeline contains the reforms, accomplishments, and acts passed undr the administration of Teddy Rooselvelt. -
Elkins Act
The Elkins Act was signed by President Roosevelt on this day in 1903. This act was passed to terminate all forms of rebates in the railroad industry. A major supporter of this act was the Pennsylvania Railroad administration. Rebates were unfair to the railroad companies because they refunded large amounts of money to businessmen who were shipping large quantities of items via the railroads. If companies refused to reward these busines owners with Rebate's, they would use another rail line. -
Panama Canal Treaty signed with Panama
On this date, President Roosevelt made an agreemtent with Panama, which granted the United States permission to construct a canal cutting through Panama. This was a monumental accomplishment for Roosevelt because this canal would stimulate more trade oppurtuinites through simplifying travel to the West Coast. -
Roosevelt Corollary is issued
The Roosevelt Corollary is added to the Monroe Doctorine in a meeting to congress. In this addidtion, roosevelt commanded European nations to put an end to intervention in southern nations in the Western hemisphere. The nations Roosevelt is pertaining to are in the Carribbean and Central America. In addition, US intervention is justified in certain instances. This is characterized as his "Big Stick" policy. The United States became known as a police power in the southern region after this act. -
National Forest Service is created
The National Forest Service is established under the Roosevelt administration. Under this service, the Roosevelt administration puts aside many large areas of land as National parks. President Roosevelt was known for his activism in progressing the reforms in nature. -
2nd Inauguration
Roosevelt is inaugurated for his second term. -
Hepburn Act is Passed
On this date, The Hepburn act is passed by the United States Congress. This act gave the Interstate Commerce Commision the power to regulate railroad prices. This act was passsed because of the dissatisfaction United States citizens. This act was an extension of the Elkins Act. -
Pure Food and Drug Act
The Pure Food and Drug act is passed in this Date in 1906. This act was a federal law that required all meat products were to be inspected by federal agents. Also, this law made it illegal to sell poisonous and unhelathy medicinal products. This law was passed after citizens gained insight of the grotesque factories and conditions there products were being produced under. -
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Teddy Roosevelt
This prestiguous award was given to President Roosevelt for mediating an end to the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. This war started because of conflicts over imperialist goals. -
Roosevelt's Presdidency ends
Roosevelt's presidency comes to an end with the election of William Howard Taft.
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