The Presidency

  • 1791 George Washington---Whiskey Rebellion

    George Washington used the commander and chief power.
  • 1803 Thomas Jefferson—Louisiana Purchase

    How the U.S brought more land. The power used is chief diplomat
  • 1812 James Madison—War of 1812

    War between the US and British (they stole US ships). Commander in chieff power used Madion delcrared war.
  • 1823 James Monroe—Monroe Doctrine

    How the U.S deals with foriegn nations. Monroe used the diplomacy power.
  • 1830 Andrew Jackson—Indian Removal Act

    Jackson made treaties with indians which displaced thwm from their homelands. The power is granted to him in the constitution.
  • 1846 James Polk—Mexican American War

    War over territoties. The president used chief diplomat to resolve the issue
  • 1950 Harry Truman—Korean War

    MIlitaty power, US gets troops in Korea to stop an abusive North Korea
  • 1957 Dwight Eisenhower—Little Rock Nine

  • 1861 Abraham Lincoln—Civil War

  • 1898 William McKinley—Spanish American War

  • 1917 Woodrow Wilson—World War I

  • 1919 Woodrow Wilson—Treaty of Versailles

  • 1933 Franklin Roosevelt—New Deal Legislation

  • 1941 Franklin Roosevelt—World War II

  • 1942 Franklin Roosevelt—Executive Order 9066

  • 1945 Harry Truman—Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • 1948 Harry Truman—Executive Order 9981

  • 1950 Harry Truman—Korean War

  • 1956 Dwight Eisenhower—Federal Highway Act

  • 1957 Dwight Eisenhower—Little Rock Nine

  • 1962 John Kennedy—Cuban Missile Crisis

  • 1963 John Kennedy—Limited Test Ban Treaty

  • 1964 Lyndon Johnson—Great Society Programs

  • 1964 Lyndon Johnson—Civil Rights Act

  • 1972 Richard Nixon—Visits China

  • 1972 Richard Nixon—Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

  • 1974 Gerald Ford—Pardons Richard Nixon

  • 1978 Jimmy Carter—Camp David Accords

  • 1981—Ronald Reagan—Appoints Sandra Day O’Connor

  • 1990 George HW Bush—Persian Gulf War

  • 1993 Bill Clinton—North American Free Trade Agreement

  • 1996 Bill Clinton—Appoints Madeline Albright